The average English-speaking adult knows 20,000 to 35,000 words, according to a recent study by The Economist.
From health care to manufacturing, industries across Ohio need more workers. Some see immigrants and refugees as the solution ...
The club offers a space for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to expand their literacy skills.
Critics of spelling instruction sometimes point to the ubiquity of technology available to correct a writer’s spelling—like ...
This common phrase may seem harmless at first, but one self-help author claims it might be counter-productive to those ...
You don’t have to spend hours in the gym to see results. Even 30 minutes of brisk walking, yoga, or bodyweight exercises a ...
If you are going to ask, ask straight away, as soon as you’ve heard the word you can’t fathom. Too often I have waited until my lingering puzzlement over a word has distracted me from properly hearing ...
How do I know if my child has dyslexia? Here's what to do if you think your child has the common reading disability.
Recent research illuminates striking differences in how men and women perceive, receive and initiate physical contact - ...
Most English-language learning classrooms use conventional teaching methods that focus on grammar drills, vocabulary ...
When we talk about reading comprehension, it is a full-fledged term that has nothing to do with mere word recognition. It ...