What’s a good replacement product for peat when I make or purchase potting mixes? Why shouldn’t we use peat products anymore?
The only materials and equipment you'll need for winter sowing are suitable containers, potting mix and seeds.Any food-safe ...
Learn More › With more than a thousand varieties in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, it’s no wonder tomatoes ...
Here's everything you want to know about how to grow and care for a crown of thorns plant. This succulent blooms pretty ...
Vermiculite has numerous benefits. “It absorbs and holds more moisture than perlite, keeping the soil damp for longer periods ...
An easy-care houseplant for any bright room with the tips in our grow guide, dieffenbachia’s common name “dumbcane” hints why ...
Brave New World was beset by production delays and big, story-shifting reshoots. The end result is kind of a mess. That mess ...
Miracle-Gro Potting Mix is a great solution for indoor and outdoor potted plants. It provides a stable anchorage and important nutrients for plant roots. It also allows good drainage and airflow for ...
So here we are. Winter. What type of a winter person are you? I tend to hibernate in the extreme cold and snow these days. A lot of my time ...
This Burpee Potting Mix utilizes a unique formula from a renewable resource which is coconut coir. It's basically the husk and shavings from coconuts. Of course, it's enriched with Burpee plant food ...