Alfred Hitchcock liked to make a cameo appearnce in his films. He shows up early in Psycho, just so he could get it out of ...
Until last Thursday night, The 39 Steps was a blind spot for me. I’ve never seen Hitchcock’s original film, nor had I ...
Learn more about the best horror movies streaming on Netflix, and take your pick from sharks, birds, zombies, and demonic ...
Alfred Hitchcock is known for his pioneering of the suspenseful thriller and creation of horror tropes, but was also very ...
Psycho shocked and terrified its early audiences, reinventing a kind of cinema with the qualities of a rollercoaster ride. But how did Hitchcock school and discipline his viewers? From our December ...
A new BBC film tells the story of director Alfred Hitchcock's crazed obsession with one of his ice-cool blonde leading ladies, Tippi Hedren. But she wouldn’t be broken, she tells John Hiscock.