Wolf of Wall Street actor Leonardo DiCaprio took to Instagram to call out the Australian government for their motions that ...
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of Hollywood stars who voices his opinions about climate change and calls out people in power for ...
The South32 mine in question lies near Boddington in Western Australia, about two hours drive from Perth. Almost 4,000 hectares of bushland are expected to be cleared as the mining company expands ...
The Hollywood star is backing environmental activists who fear endangered species will be put at risk when bauxite mining ...
Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio has criticised the Australian Government for approving the expansion of a bauxite mine in ...
Hollywood actor Leonardo Di Caprio has taken aim at a mining expansion in Western Australia's South West region, saying it is ...
Speaking on Thursday, Anthony Albanese dismissed criticism from the Wolf of Wall Street and The Revenant star. “If Leonardo DiCaprio knows where a bauxite mine is in WA I’d be very surprised,” he told ...
“The mining company @south_32 is set to clear 9,600 acres of this old growth forest, which is home to threatened species like ...
Leonardo DiCaprio has slammed the Albanese government for giving the green light to the expansion of forest mining activities ...
Leonardo DiCaprio has called out Australia’s federal government for approving a West Australian mine expansion in an area occupied by critically endangered species.