It only took 15 years, but Tron is finally coming back to the silver screen in the form of Tron: Ares. The third movie in the sci-fi franchise is bringing back Jeff Bridges once again, for what ...
Când iarna cochetează cu primăvara, într-o lună aparte, prinsă între 19 februarie (1876) È™i 16 martie (1957), îl sărbătorim (sau cel puÈ›in aÈ™a ar trebui s-o facem cu toÈ›ii) pe sculptorul Constantin ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
In legenda norvegiana, se stie ca zeul Odin si-a tras in teapa inima cu propria sa sulita si a atarnat-o in copacul vietii Yggdrasil pentru noua zile si noua nopti, totul ca sa poata percepe ...
Runele sunt una din formele de divinatie folosita cu succes si in zilele noastre, fiind folosite si ca amulete de protectie si talismane norocoase.
Warsong Update to Hades 2 introduced the god of war – Ares. However, to use his boons you must unlock him first. As befits a god of war, Ares offers abilities that will give you an advantage in battle ...
In legenda norvegiana, se stie ca zeul Odin si-a tras in teapa inima cu propria sa sulita si a atarnat-o in copacul vietii Yggdrasil pentru noua zile si noua nopti, totul ca sa poata percepe ...
Supergiant have released their third big update for slashy dashy roguelike Hades 2, and it adds familiar murdergod Ares to the roster of deities helping you out. Like other immortals he'll offer boons ...
Melinoë, Princess of the Underworld and sister to Zagreus, the protagonist of the first game, will be aided by the ultra-violent Ares and can now be granted his boons. There's also the addition ...