I do want to be present for her child because I did promise in front of God to guide her on a good path, but I’m not sure how ...
We also have concerns he will take advantage of the property contents and pawn things for his own personal interests.
Dear Eric: My best friend from high school moved to town again and we’ve been hanging out more. Her sister-in-law asked me if ...
It’s not appropriate and suggests that there could be other areas where your son’s girlfriend is putting the kids into unsafe ...
I would really like to be able to jump in and make it clear (again!) that their decision is fine with those that matter and ...
Dear Eric: Our youngest brother has made some poor decisions in his life, and he knows it. While he’s had a destructive life ...
Dear Eric: I’m a grown woman in a healthy relationship with two children of my own, and I can’t stand being around my dad.
She’s resentful of her dad for “a childhood full of emotional abuse,” but he’s still married to her mom whom she loves.
I’m resentful of him for a childhood full of emotional abuse that I feel has stunted my personal development.” ...