The former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who passed away recently, scripted India’s belated economic reforms, chiefly liberalization and globalization, as Finance Minister under the active ...
Srinagar: As the backchannel contacts between the two sides have led to some melting of the ice, there is every likelihood of ...
Dr. Manmohan Singh was honoured at a ceremony in Boko, highlighting his developmental contributions. Leaders and locals gathered to pay tributes and inaugurate a new public meeting hall.
In October 2010, the Planning Commission constituted a “Panel of Experts on Reforms in Central Public Sector Enterprises ...
The Central government has begun the groundwork to construct a memorial for former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the ...
Instead of a memorial, Dr. Manmohan Singh deserves a ‘School of Economics’ to honor his economic reforms and legacy, filling ...