Entertainment The 50-year-old Ruby Dhalla featured in a film over two decades ago. The film, titled Kyon? Kis Liye? is a Bollywood-inspired Hindi-language film that was shot on a low budget.
Canada is prepared to offer pandemic-level financial support to workers and businesses if the US imposes tariffs. Officials ...
The Liberal leadership race is on! The deadline for Liberal leadership hopefuls to throw their hats into the ring has passed.
Ruby Dhalla, a Canada Liberal Party leader of Indian origin, starred in a low-budget Hindi film titled Kyon? Kis Liye?
Ruby Dhalla has declared her intention to deport illegal immigrants and combat human trafficking if elected as Canada's prime ...
Here's a look at the Liberal leadership race and where the candidates stand on First Nation, Inuit and Métis policies.
The six candidates running for Liberal leadership have now all registered with Elections Canada, which monitors their ...
Who Is Ruby Dhalla? Potential Candidate For The Post Of Prime Minister Of Canada. She made waves with her recent deportation ...
Can Ruby Dhalla take Justin Trudeau's place as the head of the Liberal Party in Canada? Take a look at the model and ...
Ruby Dhalla presented her candidature to become the leader of the Liberal Party and the next PM of Canada. Here's everything you need to know about her.
Former Indo-Canadian MP, Ruby Dhalla announced that she is entering the race of becoming the next PM of Canada and the leader ...