[NOWnews今日新聞] 颶風「海倫」上週襲擊美國東南部,在多州釀成災情,最新數字顯示,美國已有至少90人因為這場颶風喪生。美國共和黨總統候選人、前總統川普(Donald ...
Some residents of Conyers, Georgia were forced to evacuate their homes on Sunday as officials scrambled to control a fire ...
生活中心/李明融報導今年第18號颱風山陀兒今天(29日)升級成中度颱風,中央氣象署在今天8:30發布海警,今天深夜至明晨間(30日)也有可能發布陸上颱風警報,目前正以每小時11公里速度,向西北西進行,颱風未來強度有增強且暴風圈有擴大的趨勢,影響時間恐 ...
退休要「囤」多少錢才夠?這個答案或許見仁見智,不過富裕族群給出的答案,或許可作為你我退休前的參考。匯豐集團《生活質素報告》今年首度納入台灣市場調查,發現年齡台灣介於25至69歲、擁有10萬美元至200萬美元可投資資產的受訪者,這群「富裕族群」認為必須準備至少93萬美元 (約新台幣2970萬元) 才能夠安安穩穩地退休。而你存夠了嗎?
Some residents east of Atlanta were evacuated while others were told to shelter in place to avoid contact with a chemical ...
"I was asked to be a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding and then was uninvited. I was told by a mutual friend, 'Yeah, [bride] ...
The Lake Lure Dam, which was feared doomed to collapse on Friday, is stable and emergency repairs are set to begin.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) called Vice President Harris “the ayatollahs’ handpicked candidate’ in an interview on Sunday ...
A sandwich shop made a meal out of an unannounced visit by JD Vance, turning the vice-presidential candidate away during a ...
JD Vance appeared at a conference hosted by a Christian "apostle" who's accused Kamala Harris of "witchcraft." The event was ...
Minn., shared details of how he is helping GOP vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance prepare for his upcoming debate on ...