As an undergraduate, you’ll get the chance to participate in a paid summer placement in the university research and learning and teaching environment. The On-campus Internship Scheme is only available ...
With accessible courses, inspiring lecturers, and friends you make for life, release your potential in this incredible city and start a career you'll feel proud of.
Rydym yn defnyddio technegau synhwyro o bell blaengar i ddadansoddi setiau data mawr, gan ddatgloi gwybodaeth newydd ar gyfer monitro amgylcheddol a meysydd eraill. Mae ein grŵp ymchwil yn ...
We use cutting-edge remote sensing techniques to analyse large datasets, unlocking new knowledge for environmental monitoring and other fields. Our research group focuses on developing innovative ...
Free software and IT services to help you make the most of your time with us. The university-wide wireless network eduroam is available free of charge and covers both Cathays and Heath Park campuses, ...
In addition to the facilities provided by individual Academic Schools, we offer centrally-located social and study facilities to both taught and research postgraduate students. Study zones for ...
Yn ychwanegol i’r cyfleusterau a ddarperir gan Ysgolion Academaidd unigol, rydym yn cynnig cyfleusterau cymdeithasol ac astudio, wedi’i lleoli yn ganolog, i fyfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig. Mae Undeb y ...
Rydyn ni wedi ymrwymo i gynnig ystod eang o ddosbarthiadau, tiwtorialau ar-lein a mathau eraill o gymorth i'ch helpu i wella eich technegau astudio ac ysgrifennu yn ôl safonau prifysgol. Rydyn ni ...
Gydag 1.3m o lyfrau, rhwydwaith TG cyflym a diwifr, cyfleusterau astudio pwrpasol, rydym yn sicrhau bod gennych bopeth sydd ei angen arnoch i gefnogi eich dysgu. Bydd astudio yn y brifysgol yn ...
Cewch ddefnyddio Microsoft Office 365 ar hyd at bum dyfais Windows/Mac, a hyd at bum dyfais symudol (iOS/Android) yn rhad ac am ddim. Mae Panopto yn galluogi myfyrwyr i recordio darlithoedd a ...
If your school or college is in Cardiff or the surrounding area, you can apply for a special China Day in your school. At our China Days, Cardiff Confucius Institute tutors deliver bespoke sessions to ...
The course has been designed by Cardiff Confucius Institute tutors specifically for older children and young people to learn about the country and main language of China. One or more of our tutors ...