Animated adventure series. The gang tour a Hollywood studio and uncover a mystery concerning the ghost of a silent film comedy star intent on burying his final film!
Animated adventures. Velma investigates after Amy, her new merwoman friend, tells her that fish freaks have been attacking boats in Crystal Cove harbour.
Kemi Badenoch has said that she does “believe in maternity pay” after she faced criticism from her fellow Conservative ...
The UK economy continued its recovery from recession at the end of last year, albeit at a slightly slower pace than previously thought. | ITV National News ...
Solanke after Bruno Fernandes saw red late in the first period. Ten Hag admitted conceding so early affected his players' ...
Speaking at the Tory Party Conference Lord Houchen said voters must see that the Conservative Party takes its 2024 election ...
If the museum is unable to raise the funding needed to purchase the mount, it will be offered to the British Museum or sold privately. | ITV News Meridian ...
The new law now states that it is illegal to posses, sell, manufacture and transport the weapons. | ITV News Meridian ...
The end of primary steelmaking from raw materials in Port Talbot will lead to the loss of thousands of jobs across the UK. | ITV News Wales ...
Roads in Devon and Somerset have been impacted by flooding in the early hours of Monday 30 September. A3052 Colyford is ...
The party's leader Herbert Kickl raised concerns by promising voters he would be the "people's chancellor" - a moniker that was used by Adolf Hitler. | ITV National News ...
Artists can now apply for a free studio space in town on the condition they provide workshops at least twice a week for the community. | ITV News Channel ...