Jan 8, 2025 · The good news is departments can now maintain their own pages at no additional cost to the town, allowing the experts to take real ownership of their content. Our main goal is to keep you informed and engaged.
The Leicester Town Clerk serves the residents of Leicester through its function as official record keeper for the Town Meeting and Vital Records and the Administration of Elections and voter related activities.
When making payments online for town services (taxes, dog licenses, etc.), please be sure to use the Town's official and only online payment vendor, Unipay.
The complete text and maps relative to the proposed amendments are available for inspection at the Town Clerk’s Office during regular business hours and on the Planning Board’s web page on the Town of Leicester’s website at www.leicesterma.org.
The Town of Leicester (2010 US Census population 10,970) is a primarily residential community that lies on the western border of the City of Worcester. The town’s land comprises almost 25 square miles, ranging from northern upland to southerly-stretching valleys characterized by plentiful lakes and streams.
) new utility poles and associated anchors along Town Beach Road in Leicester, MA (the Project). Project activities will ccur only within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to Inland Bank associated with
Based on information received from the town, COG developed the Leicester ADA Transition Plan, which provides an overview of the town’s municipal programs, services, policies, and procedures and identifies opportunities for improving access to …
Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 9 and Section 5.2 of the Zoning Bylaws of the Town of Leicester, the Leicester Planning Board hereby adopts the following Rules and Regulations governing Site Plan Approval in the Town of Leicester.