1790-1799 - Fashion History Timeline
Aug 1, 2017 · Women’s dress changed more drastically than men’s during the 1790s. Both white and printed cottons increasingly dominated women’s wardrobes and, by the end of the decade, the columnar white chemise was de rigueur for any woman with pretentions to fashion.
Women's Lives in 1790s NYC: Stories from the Almshouse Records
Mar 28, 2017 · Stories of poor and marginalized women who otherwise left few, if any, traces in written records, are strewn throughout the Minutes of the Commissioners of the New York City Almshouse and Bridewell (1791-1797).
1790s - Wikipedia
October 28 – French Revolution: The Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen is published in France. November 4 – St. Clair's Defeat, the worst loss suffered by the United States Army in fighting against American Indians, …
13e. Revolutionary Changes and Limitations: Women - US History
Judith Sargent Murray wrote the most systematic expression of a feminist position in this period in 1779 (but not published until 1790). Her essay, " On the Equality of the Sexes," challenged the view that men had greater intellectual capacities than women.
Ladies' Fashion of 1790s | Paullett Golden Romance
Jun 19, 2023 · The 1790s fashion trends were versatile and stylish, transitioning from the French fashions of the 18th century to the Regency fashions of the early 19th century.
1795–1820 in Western fashion - Wikipedia
Starting from the 1780s and early 1790s, women's silhouette became slimmer and the waistlines crept up. After 1795, waistlines rose dramatically and the skirt circumference was further reduced. A few years later, England and France started to show the focus of the high waist style and this led to the creation of Empire style.
American Colonial Clothing 1775-1800 - AmericanRevolution.org
Many women, as the year 1790 approached, tended more and more to follow the masculine mode of dress. The cut jacket and coat were very fashionable. The coats were made with lapels fastened across the front with buttons and loops (Fig. 73 D E).
Aspects of the Changing Status of New England Women, 1790-1840
Women's religious activity quickened markedly between 1790 and 1840, taking on quite new though not unprecedented forms as sentimental piety became a great force in bringing women into organized religious enterprises.
In the novel, women writers of the 1790s exploit an extensive range of plot-types, but here I will simply divide them into the romantic and the tragic. Let us begin with the feminist and antifeminist potential of the. former.
English Feminists and Their Opponents in the 1790s—Unsex’d and Proper Females. By William Stafford. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2002. Pp. 239. $62.96 (cloth).