1864 - SamuraiWiki - Samurai Archives
Timeline of 1864. 1864/1/15 Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi visits to Kyoto. 1864/3/27 Tengutô Rebellion. 1864/4 Itakura Katsukiyo is ousted from his post as rôjû as a new faction comes to power in the shogunate.
Second Japanese Embassy to Europe (1864) - Wikipedia
The Second Japanese Embassy to Europe (Japanese: 第2回遣欧使節, also 横浜鎖港談判使節団), also called the Ikeda Mission, was sent on February 6, 1864 by the Tokugawa shogunate. The head of the mission was Ikeda Nagaoki , governor of small villages of Ibara , Bitchū Province ( Okayama Prefecture ).
Ikedaya incident - Wikipedia
The Ikedaya incident (池田屋事件, Ikedaya jiken), also known as the Ikedaya affair or Ikedaya riot, was an armed encounter between the shishi which included masterless samurai formally employed by the Chōshū, Tosa and Higo domains , and the Shinsengumi, the Bakufu's special police force in Kyoto on July 8, 1864, at the Ikedaya Inn in ...
The Story Behind an Epic Picture of a Group of Samurais Posing in …
Jun 28, 2021 · In 1864, en route to Paris, the Ikeda mission visited Egypt. The stay was memorialized in one of nineteenth-century photography’s most extraordinary images — the embassy’s members, dressed in winged kamishimo costume and jingasa hats, carrying their feared long (katana) and short (wakizashi) swords, standing in front of the Giza Sphinx.
Kinmon incident - Wikipedia
The shogunate followed the incident with a retaliatory armed expedition, the First Chōshū expedition, in September 1864.
Kyoto Samurai - Inside Kyoto
3 days ago · The most famous incident associated with the Shinsengumi took place just a short walk away from Sanjō Bridge on July 8th, 1864. The story is that samurai from the Chōshū clan were planning to set fire to Kyoto, and use the ensuing confusion to attack their enemies.
Samurai Visiting the Sphinx in 1864 - The Daily Grail
Apr 1, 2016 · Over the years there have been many great images of the Great Sphinx and Pyramids in Egypt, but this 1864 photo by Antonio Beato may be the best ever. Now over 150 years old, it shows a diplomatic mission from Japan dressed in full samurai regalia – swords and all – standing in front of the Great Sphinx.
1864, Samurai photographed in front of Egypt's Sphinx : r/pics - Reddit
Aug 19, 2012 · In 1864, en route to Paris, the Ikeda mission visited Egypt. The stay was memorialised in one of nineteenth-century photography's most extraordinary images — the embassy's members, dressed in winged kamishimo costume and jingasa hats, carrying their feared long (katana) and short (wakizashi) swords, standing before the Giza Sphinx.
The Hamaguri Rebellion - Japanese Wiki Corpus
The Hamaguri Rebellion (kinmon no hen) occurred on August 20, 1864 (the first year of the Genji era, July 19th in the old calendar) in the final days of the Edo period.
Samurai In Egypt, 1864 - YouTube
Mar 21, 2023 · Discover the fascinating story of a group of samurai who traveled to Egypt in 1864, taking a photo in front of the Great Sphinx. Sent by the Tokugawa shoguna...
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