AC Unity AK magazines in 5.56 - Survivalist Forum
Feb 22, 2021 · So I am a big AK type rifle lover and I LOVE 5.56 aks the most. The biggest problem with 5.56 AKs is the magazines are expensive and they aren’t always compatible. …
AK or AR in 5.56 - Survivalist Forum
Oct 10, 2011 · The gun had to be chambered in 5.56. They put a bunch of guns through several tests, and the only gun that made it through all the tests was the Galil AK variant. If you do get …
Zeroing 5.56 AR15 at 21 Meters?? - Survivalist Forum
Jan 12, 2012 · AR15,.223/5.56, 14.5" barrel, 1 in 7 twist. 55 grain bulk pack Federal. I zeroed it at 50 yards. It is approx 1" high at 100 yards and approx 1" low at 200 yards. I can hit the 275 …
5.56 vs 5.45 - Survivalist Forum
Dec 18, 2008 · I chose 5.56 in an AK platform over 5.45 primarily because of availability but also for commonality with friends who mostly operate ARs and the wider assortment of ammo …
The Best Survival Rifle "the ak-47"? - Survivalist Forum
Feb 1, 2010 · I think the AK is often considered the best by many because of its reliability, simplicity and hight capacity firepower. An AK can be buried in a muddy swamp, survive a dust …
5.56 for on the go. 7.62x39 for defend the home ... - Survivalist …
May 19, 2012 · They both do the job. I prefer the AK-47 and actually more so the SKS because of the sights. I can mount the gun and point the sight hood at the target and pull the trigger. The …
Anyone own an AK chambered in 5.56? | Survivalist Forum
Jun 8, 2016 · 5.56 magazines for the AK-74 are available in high quality polymer and there is a company that makes magazine adapters, one which simply clips on like a magazine and …
Using M16 ammo pouch to hold AK mags | Survivalist Forum
Oct 16, 2020 · Look into Beez combat systems. I have a multicam AK chest rig that holds 4 mags with built in slots and bunjies to hold them in place with MOLLE on the front for other pouches. …
How many 5.56 to nail a bear? - Survivalist Forum
May 3, 2011 · first off the 5.56 had double the energy the 357 or 44mag had Second, the 9mm has killed several large attacking grizzly and is actually thought of as one of the best calibers …
Galil vs. AK47 - Survivalist Forum
Jul 22, 2011 · They were increadibly reliable fuctioning guns just like the AK's but they were pretty accurate as well to boot unlike the AK's generally speaking. The only came in 5.56 and 7.62 …