7.62 Ammo, Corrosive, Partially Corrosive and NON?
May 30, 2008 · Re: 7.62 Ammo, Corrosive, Partially Corrosive and NON? Depending on the year of manufacture, it may be filled with Cordite, that is the corrosive propellant that was used before we had nitrocellulose.
Let's play identify the ammo! - forum.pafoa.org
May 19, 2009 · Unfortunately I don't have a dial caliper (this from an ex draftsman and engineering assistant) the rounds are all damn near the exact same length as the marked 7.62 x 39 but with different heads and case markings. All are steel cased. The first is an FMJ with a
7.62x39 Ammo ID & Corrosive/Non-Corrosive - Pennsylvania …
Jul 19, 2013 · Re: 7.62x39 Ammo Corrosive/Non-Corrosive-ID When I find some unusual ammo, I just google the headstamp and I always find a discussion from some shooter's forum of the ammo in question. Most new production stuff is in fact non-corrosive (including the new stuff packed in sealed spam cans).
Converting a 9mm Tokarev to fire 7.62X25? - Pennsylvania Firearm …
Jan 30, 2010 · The 9mm kits for 7.62mm TT-33s were initially a replacement 9mm barrel and a magazine. Later it was discovered that only the barrel was necessary, 9mm would feed from a 7.62mm magazine. The short magazine was unique to the Chinese M213, most of the other examples I saw used standard length 7.62mm magazines.
Best powder (s) for 7.62x39 - The High Road
Feb 8, 2016 · Toprudder, my Savage model 10 in 7.62x39 also has a .308 barrel and it shoots the .310 steel-cased stuff like a champ. Sub-MOA with steel-case .310 Hornady 123-grain SST's in fact. I figured I'd be loading .308 bullets for it until I shot some .310's. Then I quicky realized it wasn't broke, so I'm not gonna fix it.
Wolf 7.62x39 - Explain the Differences to me
Jan 9, 2013 · I had purchased most of my Wolf 7.62.39 back before/around 2008. Back when the "Military Classic" stuff hit the market, many (including myself) preferred to buy the "Black Box", as it was something we were already familiar with and knew that it worked. Fast forward a few years and I stopped buying all ammo because I was out of work.
7.62x54r vs 7.62x54 - forum.pafoa.org
Apr 20, 2009 · Re: 7.62x54r vs 7.62x54 7.62x54r stands for rimmed, not rimfire, however 7.62x54 and 7.62x54r are the same cart, some chose just to omit the R April 20th, 2009, 06:12 AM #6
How do i know if my ammo is corrosive? - Pennsylvania Firearm …
May 11, 2009 · The only time you'd even need to worry about corrosive ammo in 5.56 / .223 is if you bought old surplus ammo - and there aint a whole lot of that around anymore. None of the modern / recently produced 5.56 / .223 ammo is corrosive.
FYI: UPDATED Load Data for the 7.62MM Match M852 Cartridge
Mar 25, 2020 · The document that I am posting came with this M14 receiver and details the loading data for the 7.62MM Match M852 Cartridge. UPDATE: I was informed in the M14 forum by KurtC that the 7.62MM M852 NM Load of IMR 4895 was updated and the powder was increased to 42 grns. Some shooters have pulled bullets on the M852 Cartridge and found powder ...
Green Ammo - safe to shoot? - Pennsylvania Firearm Owners …
Jan 14, 2009 · A friend of mine recently picked up his first rifle. A surplus Lee-Enfield bolt-action. He also acquired some surpluss ammo.