Ground Resistance Tester Model 6472 - AEMC
The Digital Ground Resistance Tester Model 6472 is a portable measurement instrument designed to measure Bond Resistance, Ground Resistance (with and without clamps), Soil Resistivity, Earth Coupling, Step & Touch Potential.
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Model 6472 - AEMC
Ground Resistance Tester Model 6472 - User Manual 7 1. INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing an AEMC® Instruments Ground Resistance Tester Model 6472. For the best results from your instrument and for your safety, you must read the enclosed operating instructions carefully and comply with the precautions for use.
El ohmetro de tierra C.A 6472 es un instrumento de medida portátil completo para realizar medidas de tierra, medidas de re-sistividad de los terrenos y, con el accesorio Pylon box C.A 6474, medidas de tierra de las torres. Se presenta en una carcasa resistente y estanca. Se alimenta por una batería recargable con cargador incorporado.
AEMC Introduces an Upgrade to Ground Resistance Tester Model …
El Medidor de Resistencia de Tierra Modelo 6472 de AEMC ahora incluye dos tensiones de prueba adicionales de 10 y 60 voltios que se pueden seleccionar manualmente. Esta característica optimiza el uso del medidor en zonas susceptibles a tensiones, y mejora su capacidad de realizar pruebas en condiciones de suelo poco favorables y de conducir ...
The Digital Ground Resistance Tester Model 6472 performs bond resistance, ground resistance, soil resistivity, earth coupling, and Step & Touch potential tests. When used in combination with the
Wenner Testing Model 6472 - AEMC
This article describes a simple way to measure soil resistivity known as the Wenner method. Our test instrument will be the AEMC ® Ground Tester Model 6472. This instrument automatically calculates and displays soil resistivity, with no manual calculations necessary.
Software & Firmware Downloads - AEMC
Apr 21, 2015 · AEMC Software and Firmware Downloads. 15 Faraday Drive Dover, NH 03820 USA (800) 343-1391 • (603) 749-6434 www.aemc.com (800) 343-1391. Create an Account; Log In; View Cart. Mega Menu; Products. Cable Testers; Clamp-On Meters; Current Probes; Data Loggers; Decade Boxes;
GroundFlex - AEMC
Dive deep into tower testing theory and master the functions of the Ground Tester Model 6472 such as Soil Resistivity, Fall-of-Potential, Step and Touch Potential. Learn instrument setup, and deployment tactics such as overcoming right-of-way challenges, step-by-step deployment of instrument leads, axillary rods and probes for testing, and ...
Ground Testers | Ground Resistance Testers | AEMC Instruments
We developed and introduced the only ground tester capable of testing energized transmission towers (Models 6472/6474). It can also test ground resistance of individual power transmission tower legs (as well as total resistance) without disconnecting the overhead ground wire.
kit del medidor de resistencia de tierra modelo 6472 de 152,40 m (500 PIES) Incluye instrumento, baterías NiMH recargables, cable USB óptico, adaptador de corriente