Consensus on Hungarian AMD 63/65 - AK Rifles
Oct 17, 2015 · If you have an AMD 65 and want a full length gas tube you would need a full length piston too. If you are recreating the AMD65 look with a full length kit/rifle then you can use a …
How much is a FEG AMD 65 worth?? - AK Rifles
Jul 24, 2020 · Hi Guys, I am hoping you can help me. I am thinking about selling my FEG AMD 65 and I am trying to figure out how much it is worth. Gunwatcher.com doesn't have any current …
AMD-65 - fixed stock possible? - AK Rifles
Jul 27, 2011 · AMD-65 - fixed stock possible? Jump to Latest 7.2K views 9 replies 5 participants last post by lordofwar2 Aug 21, 2011
I did a step by step guide for an AMD 65 build. Free for all
Sep 8, 2006 · In order to adhere to BATF regulations I decided to purchase a USA piston and install it on the AMD 65. First there is a big difference between the AMD 65 and other AK 47's. …
New TGI FEG AMD-65, Is This A Correct Sling - AK Rifles
Nov 27, 2013 · Not sure how "definitive" this is, but when I was issuing brand new, out-of-the-crate, AMD-65's to the Afghan National Police a few years ago, they also received those thick …
AMD-65 stock replacement Options- - AK Rifles
Aug 8, 2011 · Krebs makes an AMD "block" that allows AR style tubes and stocks to be used with the AMD-65 trunion. Part 33 in their "catalog". Constantly studying spots welds, mag well …
are the TGI amd65 gone? | AK Rifles
May 24, 2015 · Here's an all numbers matching, excellent condition compete AMD 65 parts kit with original barrel. Price is $550.00 obro and I am located in Livermore/Nor Cal for FTF deals …
Receiver for AMD-65 | AK Rifles
Feb 23, 2018 · I know that Southern Armament has an AMD-65 receiver but their track record seems sketchy from others on their receivers. Century Arms also has a receiver available …
AMD 65 extended muzzle brake. How should I perm attach it
Jun 14, 2008 · I have a question. I was thinking of getting an AMD 65 kit and using the extended muzzle brake to make the barrel the legal length. I may end up doing a registered SBR …
AMD 65 Wood or Plastic? - AK Rifles
Jan 14, 2012 · Just purchased my 2nd AMD 65 (TIG) from Centerfire for $399 delivered. It was just too good a deal to pass up. I wanted something different on this one so I found some used …