Helicopter H125 AS350 - Air Ambulance Technology
The design of the ems interior for the H125 and AS350 has been made with simplicity in mind. The interior takes only a few minutes to install, and remove, making it extremely easy to clean and disinfect.
EMS Kit — Design by Airlift
Installation and certification of EMS interiors and systems with customised layout based on customer’s needs. Airlift holds 3 Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) for AS365 with 8 helicopters modified plus various minor changes.
RAMS - Metro Aviation
RAMS is founded on traditions, values, knowledge and determination brought forth from a strong background in the EMS Industry. The program conducts on-scene and inter-facility transports within a 40-minute fly radius around Jasper, Alabama.
Reach Air - Our Fleet
Considered the most versatile light twin in the HEMS industry today, this rear loading platform through spacious clam shell door design allows for patients of all ages, sizes and acuities. The H125 helicopter, also known as the AStar AS350, is a …
Cal-Ore - Our Fleet
The Eurocopter AS350 (in conjunction with Reach Air Medical) is a single-engine aircraft with enhanced maneuverability and stellar performance. It provides exceptional visibility and can maintain its performance from sea level all the way up to 9,000 feet.
Metro Aviation Completion Catalog
Metro Aviation has received over 20 Supplemental Type Certificates (STC's) and performed numerous installations on the following aircraft: Catalog will automatically download after you press the download button.
Wysong Announces EMS Kit STC, Airbus AS350 Completion
Mar 2, 2015 · The company also brought its fifth Airbus AS350B3e completion for Helicopter Express to Orlando for this year’s Heli-Expo show. The Atlanta-based operator is an Part 135 air carrier with more than...
AS350 EMS sim debuts | Aviation International News
Dec 28, 2010 · American Eurocopter recently unveiled a new full-motion flight and mission simulator for AS350 crew training tailored to EMS and law-enforcement applicati
American Eurocopter AS350 full flight simulator certified by FAA
Mar 6, 2011 · The AS350 Level B FFS provides training options for aircraft emergency procedures, CRM, NVG, Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS), and Airborne Law Enforcement (ALE).
EagleMed to Integrate New Helicopter Autopilot and Stability ...
Jun 5, 2014 · EagleMed’s entire fleet of based Eurocopter AS350 helicopters will receive the system over the next three years. The HeliSAS stability augmentation system provides stability and ease of handling.