Accensi - Australian agricultural crop protection solutions
Accensi is a leading local developer, manufacturer and distributor of agricultural crop protection solutions in Australia. Toll manufacturing is our primary focus, with our production facilities located in key growing regions around Australia, offering a …
About Accensi - Our Focus - Our Locations - The Environment
Our focus is predominantly the manufacture of crop protection solutions. Accensi’s manufacturing facilities are located in QLD, VIC and WA.
Our Locations - Accensi - Australia
Accensi’s manufacturing facilities are strategically located in Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia, to efficiently service our customers and the key crop production regions in Australia.
Our Focus - Accensi - Crop Protection Solutions
Our focus is predominantly the manufacture of crop protection solutions, with the capacity to produce Emulsifiable Concentrates, Suspension Concentrates, Aqueous Solutions, Coated Granules and Powders as well as amination based reactions such as Glyphosate and Phenoxies.
Services - Accensi - Crop Protection Solutions
From product development and laboratory research, to global procurement and toll manufacturing, contact Accensi for crop protection solutions.
Contact - Accensi - Australia
Contact the Accensi Head Office in Queensland by email, or phone 07 3897 2000.
Environment - Accensi - Australian Crop Protection
Accensi is a foundation member of Croplife Australia and is committed to the code of conduct which represents high industry standards, playing a leading role in the implementation of co-regulatory and self-regulatory mechanisms to reduce risks and stewardship across the life cycle of industry products.
Accensi Pty Ltd provides herbicide and pesticide toll-manufacturing services at several locations throughout Australia. Accensi manufactures crop protection chemicals, mainly for agricultural use and manufactures a wide range of emulsifiable concentrates, suspension concentrates (flowables), powders, aqueous solutions,
Laboratory Research - Accensi - Crop Protection Solutions
Our experienced team of scientists provide professional, independent analysis and applied research focussed on evaluating and developing effective, safe and sustainable crop protection solutions with a range of product development services and technologies designed for the agricultural market.
Global Procurement - Accensi - Crop Protection Solutions
With an extensive network of suppliers both globally and locally, Accensi is able to source and supply active ingredients, utilising long term relationships and partnerships to ensure we best meet the needs and requirements of our customers.