Agamidae - Wikipedia
Agamidae is a family containing 64 genera, 582 species of iguanian lizards indigenous to Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe. Many species are commonly called dragons or …
Agamidae | Old World, Ground-Dwelling, Sun-Loving | Britannica
Agamidae, (order Squamata), lizard family composed of about 350 species in about 50 genera. Agamids typically have scaly bodies, well-developed legs, and a moderately long tail; average …
Agamidae contains two subfamilies, approximately 52 genera, and more than 350 species. Agamids have experienced independent radiations of form and size on each of Africa, Asia, …
Family Agamidae (Agamas and Dragons) / RepFocus
Remarks: Frost & Etheridge (1989) united the families Agamidae and Chamaeleonidae in one family, Chamaeleonidae, comprising three subfamilies: Agaminae (including all genera until …
Agamidae - Animalia
Agamidae is a family of over 300 species of iguanian lizards indigenous to Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe. Many species are commonly called dragons or dragon lizards . …
Reptile Classification - Squamata - Agamidae - Agamas
The Agamidae family of lizards, or agamids, includes over 300 species of lizards spread mostly through Asia, Africa and Australia (with a few species in Europe). Image: Red-headed rock …
Agamidae - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agamidae is a family of iguanian lizards. They are indigenous to Africa, Asia, Australia, and there are a few in southern Europe. The family has about 350 species in about 50 genera. Agamids …
Agamidae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Agamidae. This family has six subfamilies and more than 300 species. About one-half of agamids are primarily insectivorous and one-half omnivorous or herbivorous. A row of marginal teeth is …
Angleheads, Calotes, Dragon Lizards, and Relatives (Agamidae)
A unique shared derived feature that ties Agamidae to Chamaeleonidae (chameleons are derived from within agamids) is acrodont dentition, in which teeth are fused to the top of the jawbones …
What is the dragon lizard? - The Environmental Literacy Council
1 day ago · The Agamidae family is incredibly diverse, containing over 400 species. They are characterized by: Habitat: Diverse habitats, including forests, grasslands, and deserts, with …