Ah Mun | Mayan deity | Britannica
His name is Ah Mun, and he is sometimes shown in combat with the death god, Ah Puch, a skeleton-like being, patron of the sixth day-sign Cimi (“Death”) and lord of the ninth hell. Several other deities were associated with death—e.g., Ek Chuah, a war god and god…
Maya maize god - Wikipedia
They include ah mun (tender green shoot) [16] and zac uac nal (white six new corn) or uac chuaac nal (six tall new corn). [2] In the wake of Schele, the tonsured maize god (hypothetically equated with Hun-Hunahpu) has often been nicknamed "first father."
The Mayan Pantheon: The Many Gods of the Maya
Jul 7, 2012 · The pantheon of the Maya is a vast collection of deities worshipped throughout the regions of Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Tabasco, and Chiapas in Mexico and southward through Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and Honduras. These gods informed the lives and rituals of the people, established order, and provided hope of a life after death.
Yum Kaax, Mayan God Of Agriculture, Lord Of Woods And …
Jul 15, 2020 · One of them was Yum Kaax (also known as Ah Mun, Yum K'aax, or Yum Uil), often portrayed with the most sacred food of the Maya people - corn. His name originates from the Maya words 'Yum' ("lord") and 'Kaax' ("forest") or "the wild."
Yum Kax. Dios de la agricultura. Cultura Maya - Pueblos Originarios
También conocido como Ah Mun, Yum K'aax o Yum Uil, controlaba el alimento sagrado de los mayas: el maíz. Se le representaba siempre como un joven con deformación craneal portando mazorcas de maíz.
Mayan Gods - The Ancient Mayan Gods and Goddesses
Ah Mun was the corn god and the god of agriculture. He was always represented as a youth, often with a corn ear headdress. 4. Ah Puch. The god of death, ruled over the ninth and lowest of the Maya underworlds. He was always malevolent. 5. Ek Chuah. Ek was the god of war, human sacrifice, and violent death.
Ah Mun by Erin Njaa on Prezi
Like many other Mayan gods, Ah Mun was fed through several rituals. Some of these are the bloodletting of nobles, sacrificing children or prisoners, and burning incense. Bloodletting was often done by nobles, they would use a thorny rope to pierce their flesh and would give their
El dios maya del maíz - Tras la última frontera
En el Libro de Chilam Balam de Chumayel aparecen varias designaciones para el dios del maíz prehispánico , entre ellas ah mun (brote verde tierno) y zac uac nal (maíz blanco de seis mazorcas) o uac chuaac nal (maíz alto de seis mazorcas).
Maya maize god facts for kids - Kids encyclopedia
Oct 16, 2023 · They include ah mun (tender green shoot) and zac uac nal (white six new corn) or uac chuaac nal (six tall new corn). In the wake of Schele, the tonsured maize god (hypothetically equated with Hun-Hunahpu) has often been nicknamed "first father."
Los Dioses Mayas: Ah Mun, el Dios del maíz - Blogger
Ah Mun fue visto como el Dios del maíz en la civilización maya, también se le conoce como Yum K´aak, Yum Uil o Yum Kax. Ah Mun está posicionado en el tercer lugar en el orden de los códices mayas.