Model Railroading > Decoder for Proto 200 ALCO PA
Re: Decoder for Proto 200 ALCO PA Author: RichM I think the true first generation Life-Like Proto's came in olive green boxes, the later products were blue but still said Life-Like.
Nostalgia & History > Alco PA's in freight service - Trainorders.com
"Once again, beginning in mid-November, the Santa Fe has pulled several of the fabled Alco-built PA-units out of the standby line at Barstow and placed them into service. Six units were in …
Steam & Excursion > Question about NKP 190 Alco PA
Oct 4, 2023 · The First PA/B set rolled out of the Alco Plant to fanfare and in Santa Fe colors on September 1946. Nickel Plate No. 190 was part of the first series of PA’s or PA-1’s. The PA’s …
Nostalgia & History > Alco PA 's in Freight Service - Trainorders.com
Oct 2, 2023 · Lehigh Valley - After the last passenger trains were cancelled in February, 1961, all of the Valley's PA's soldiered on in freight service, The last was traded to Alco on new C628's …
Nostalgia & History > EMD E units vs ALCO PA's - Trainorders.com
Alco PA-1 2000 HP 100mph gearing: starting TE 51 Klbs cont TE 27 Klbs EMD E7A same HP/speed: starting TE 53K cont TE 18K EMD E8A 2250 HP, same speed: starting TE 53K …
Status of Doyle McCormack's "NKP" Alco PA - Trainorders.com
It's been a year or better since I saw a website depicting the progress of Doyle McCormack's restoration of his ex-ATSF/D&H/Mexican PA. Looked like progress was well under way. …
Nostalgia & History > Alco PA-3 and PB-3 questions
Andy Romano's PA - Alco's Glamour Girl indicates that Alco did have plans to build locomotives that would have carried spec numbers DL-304E/DL-305E. They would probably have included …
mundo: Porter 0-6-0 and Alco PA in Mexico, 1988-89
May 28, 2017 · 10. The diesel escort on the other end of the train this time was a known Alco, one of four PA-1's that began life on the Santa Fe, was sold to Delaware & Hudson in 1967, rebuilt …
Alco PA: Any Secondary Owners besides D&H? - Trainorders.com
I've been thinking about the Alco PA today and it occurred to me that besides D&H (and subsequently FNM in Mexico) buying the four ex-ATSF PAs (plus one ex-NH PA for parts) in …
Model Railroading > Alco PA sound file? Loksound?
Before you laugh, I usually only use Tsunami decoders, but this one is a drop in replacement for the board on the P2K PA and E Units and does both Alco and EMD 567 sound, and quite well …