Infrared spectroscopy of a cyclic alkene - Physics Forums
Oct 27, 2004 · For example, a C-H vibration of an alkane/alkene at ca. 2900 cm-1 always has more powerful C-H deformation at ca. 1400 cm-1, etc. You can see a C=C signal at around 1600 cm -1 , and of course, alcoholic O-H stretching is around 3500 cm -1 , where its C-O deformations are around 1200 cm -1 .
Alkene reaction with Br2 and NaCl (saturated) - Physics Forums
Feb 24, 2008 · the electrophile Br(d+) will first attach to the pi bond in the alkene, then there will be a selection between Cl- and Br-. Last edited: Feb 26, 2008 Feb 25, 2008
Can you consider a benzene ring to also be an alkene? - Physics …
Jul 1, 2009 · I would not consider benzene to be an alkene because it's chemical reactivity differs significantly from the reactivity of alkenes. For example, a classic chemical reaction involving alkenes is an addition reaction with elemental bromine.
Can concentrated hot sulfuric acid directly react with alkenes?
Aug 9, 2012 · Because to produce the alcohol you need concentrated sulfuric acid. However concentrated hot sulfuric acid is also used for elimination of alcohols. So I think that it wouldn't work because you wouldn't either make the alcohol or if you could make one in hot concentrated sulfuric acid it would instantly eliminate back to the alkene.
Reaction of Grignard Reagents: Alkenes, Alkynes, Alcohols, …
Nov 15, 2006 · The important consideration for all of these compounds is that 1) none of the functional groups mentioned are good leaving groups, and 2) Grignard reagents are extremely strong bases.
Understanding Angular Velocity: W = 2pi(f) - Physics Forums
May 31, 2010 · Can anyone explain to me how angular velocity (w) = 2pi(f) -->where f = frequency. This is not a homework question involving numbers. I'm reading a section on "the period of sinusoidal Nature of SHM" and I don't understand how they get this equation.
Subroutine Sources option in MCNP - Physics Forums
Jan 28, 2025 · Hi, everyone. I am using MCNP to simulate an incident electron beam hitting a tungsten target and obtaining the bremsstrahlung spectra in natural element samples placed behind the initial setup. I want to use the Subroutine Source option in MCNP to record all the directions, weights, energies...
What do the hexagonal shapes mean in chemistry? - Physics Forums
Apr 2, 2011 · In your posted image, you would assume (since there is no notation) that each point is a carbon atom. Interestingly enough, the only way they can maintain that hex form is by having alternating double bonds, hence the alternating double lines in y
Extracting data from a spectrometer to Excel - Physics Forums
Aug 29, 2018 · Good morning, I used the Laser beam with HR4000 spectrometer with Ocean View software when saving the files it is saved by (.ocv) format. when trying to extract information to excel I get some unreadable data like (bkg thin sheet gel.png) attached. I used the same instrument and software with...
Energy in capacitor at steady state - Physics Forums
Nov 19, 2018 · Kirchoff's laws, E=0.5CV^2, V=IR The Attempt at a Solution At steady state, no current passes through the capacitors, so current is isolated in upper and lower loops- Using KVL in them I(upper)=1 Ampere and I(lower)=0.5 Ampere, Then using KVL in loops with both capacitors gives 8+V1+V2=0 where V1,V2 are potential across capacitors.