Alveolate - Wikipedia
The alveolates (meaning "pitted like a honeycomb") [2] are a group of protists, considered a major clade [3] and superphylum [4] within Eukarya. They are currently grouped with the stramenopiles and Rhizaria among the protists with tubulocristate mitochondria into the SAR supergroup.
Alveolata - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Alveolata A monophyletic taxon composed primarily of dinoflagellates (half of which contain a peridinin plastid), parasitic apicomplexans (with a nonphotosynthetic plastid called the apicoplast), and ciliates (lacking any plastids); a common feature of alveolates is the presence of alveoli, flattened membranous sacs that subtend their plasma ...
23.3B: Chromalveolata- Alveolates - Biology LibreTexts
Nov 23, 2024 · The alveolates are named for the presence of an alveolus, or membrane-enclosed sac, beneath the cell membrane. The exact function of the alveolus is unknown, but it may be involved in osmoregulation. The alveolates are further categorized into the dinoflagellates, the apicomplexans, and the ciliates.
Alveolata | eukaryote | Britannica
Alveolata Alveolar sacs (alveolae) present beneath the plasma membrane and may contain rigid material (such as glucose) that confers a distinctive texture to the surface of the cell. Transverse (equatorial) cell division.
Alveolata - Microbial Eukaryotes
Alveolata have the common characteristics of having vesicles positioned just under their plasma membrane, forming a kind of alveoli (Figure 294). Their mitochondria have tubular ridges. The alveoli have allowed the evolution of attributes specific to each evolutionary lineage.
Alveolata - Wikispecies - Wikimedia
Sep 13, 2024 · Alveolata Cavalier-Smith, 1991 References [edit] Cavalier-Smith, T. 1991. Cell diversification in heterotrophic flagellates. In: D.J. Patterson & J. Larsen (eds.), The Biology of Free-living Heterotrophic Flagellates. Oxford University Press, pp. 113-131. Cavalier-Smith, T. 2003. Protist phylogeny and the high-level classification of Protozoa.
Alveolates - Oxford Reference
An assemblage of unicellular eukaryotic organisms, sometimes placed in the phylum Alveolata, that are believed to have common ancestry based on certain morphological similarities and molecular systematics. They comprise the ciliates (see Ciliophora), the apicomplexans (see Apicomplexa), and the dinoflagellates (see Dinomastigota).
Alveolate - wikidoc
The alveolates are a major line of protists. There are three phyla, which are very divergent in form, but are now known to be close relatives based on various ultrastructural and genetic similarities:
Palaeos Eukarya: Alveolata
Alveolata is a high-order group of Eukarya whose principal members include (a) the Ciliophora (e.g., Paramecium), (b) a large group of revolting parasites called the Apicomplexa (e.g. Plasmodium, the organism responsible for malaria), and (c) the dinoflagellates, a hugely successful group of marine photosynthetic organisms. In addition, the ...
Alveolata | definition of Alveolata by Medical ... - Medical …
The most prevalent parasite was a Trichodina-like ciliate (Alveolata) located near the epithelial surface of the gills or attached to it, and was associated with no evident tissue damage or host response.
Alveolata - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Alveolata is a monophyletic group of protists with alveolar sacs, consisting of three major taxa (Apicomplexa, Dinoflagellata and Ciliophora) (Grattepanche et al., 2018). It comprises microorganisms with diverse life habits.
Alveolate | definition of alveolate by Medical dictionary
Looking for online definition of alveolate in the Medical Dictionary? alveolate explanation free. What is alveolate? Meaning of alveolate medical term. What does alveolate mean?
Alveolate - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
Oct 9, 2024 · The alveolates (meaning "with cavities") are a group of protists, considered a major clade and superphylum within Eukarya, and are also called Alveolata. The most notable shared characteristic is the presence of cortical alveoli, flattened vesicles packed into a continuous layer supporting the membrane, typically forming a flexible pellicle.
Other Names for Alveolates - Tree of Life Web Project
The Alveolata is a monophyletic group of primarily single-celled eukaryotes that have adopted extremely diverse modes of nutrition, such as predation, photoautotrophy and intracellular parasitism.
Alveolata – Wikipédia
Az Alveolata plasztiszfejlődése érdekes. Cavalier-Smith szerint az Alveolata kloroplasztisszal rendelkező ősből fejlődött ki, mely a Chromista csoportot is létrehozta (Chromalveolata-hipotézis). Más kutatók szerint eredetileg az Alveolata tagjaiban nem voltak plasztiszok, és a Dinoflagellata és Apicomplexa külön szerezték meg.
Phylogeny and species delimitation of ciliates in the genus
Chi Y, Wang Z, Ye T, Wang Y, Zhao J, Song W, et al. A new contribution to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the ciliate genus Spirostomum (Alveolata, Ciliophora, Heterotrichea), with comprehensive descriptions of two species from wetlands in China. Water Biol …
Alveolata - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Alveolates have a system of flattened vesicles (alveoli) that closely underlie the plasma membrane, creating a pellicle structure that is composed of three unit membranes. In apicomplexans, the patchwork of plasma membrane-associated alveoli is called the inner membrane complex (IMC).
Alveolata: Its diversity and phylogenetic relationships
Feb 1, 2011 · The Alveolata is a group of unicellular eukaryotic organisms that encompasses a wide range of organisms, from photosynthetic algae, symbionts of marine invertebrates and vertebrates, free-living...
Identification, Characterization, and Expression Levels of …
Oct 1, 2012 · Identification, Characterization, and Expression Levels of Putative Adhesive Proteins From the Tube-Dwelling Polychaete Sabellaria alveolata. The shelter of the tube-dwelling polychaete...
phyceae, Alveolata) is a diverse parasitic group of dinoflagellates, common in all marine environments, and are described as dominant components of pelagic ecosystems. However, their temporal dynamics, prevalence, and host-specificity are poorly known. Using DNA metabarcoding to explore trophic inter-
Begonia alveolata in Flora of China - eFloras.org
Herbs, erect on upper part, ascending at base. Rhizome absent. Stems slender.