Amflora - Wikipedia
Amflora (also known as EH92-527-1) is a genetically modified potato cultivar developed by BASF Plant Science. "Amflora" potato plants produce pure amylopectin starch that is processed to waxy potato starch. It was approved for industrial applications in the European Union on 2 March 2010 by the European Commission. [2]
Amflora makes paper and yarn glossier and stronger - BASF
BASF Plant Science has developed Amflora, a genetically modified starch potato which only produces one particular type of starch, for industrial applications, which optimises the further processing of starch and saves energy and water.
Making the most of GM potatoes - Nature Biotechnology
Amflora (EH92-527-1) is a GM potato produced by BASF (Ludwigshafen, Germany) that lacks amylose and instead contains amylopectin (>98%) as the predominant starch 1,2. Amylose ordinarily has to be...
Monitoring the Presence of Genetically Modified Potato EH92-527 …
The Amflora (EH92-527-1) potato is a genetically modified (GM) potato in which only starch of the amylopectin form is produced. This has been achieved by intervening with the biosynthesis of starch in this variety of potato. The Amflora potato is solely grown for the purposes of enhancing its industrial application.
Oct 29, 2009 · Amflora is a genetically improved potato developed to produce a specific natural starch (amylopectin) needed for industrial applications, for example in paper
巴斯夫植物科学公司培育转基因马铃薯 - AgriBusiness Global
“ Amflora 是一种创新的新品种,可生产纯支链淀粉。 因此,它有助于减少资源、能源和成本,并为农民和淀粉加工业提供真正的附加值。 2011 年,除德国外,巴斯夫植物科学公司还将在瑞典种植 Amflora。
(PDF) Amflora: great expectation for GM crops in Europe
The Amflora (EH92-527-1) potato is a genetically modified (GM) potato in which only starch of the amylopectin form is produced. This has been achieved by intervening with the biosynthesis of ...
欧盟批准转基因玉米、马铃薯 - AgriBusiness Global
Amflora 是一种淀粉马铃薯,专门用于生产用于工业用途的支链淀粉,例如造纸工业。 这三种转基因玉米产品来自美国密苏里州圣路易斯市 孟山都公司 .;尽管它们已获准用于食品和饲料生产,但玉米尚未获得在欧盟种植的批准。
The History and Future of GM Potatoes | PotatoPro
Amflora is a starch potato developed by BASF for the production of specialty starch. Potato starch consists of two types of starch with very different properties: amylose and amylopectin. Instead of the regular 20/80 amylose-/amylopectin mixture in a typical potato, Amflora has been genetically modified to contain only amylopectin.
Amflora: Great expectation for GM Crops in Europe - Taylor
Amflora provides a plausible reason for commercially cultivation of GM Crops in Europe. For improving the industrial application of potato, the amylose-less Amflora was genetically engineered to produce only amylopectin component in its starch.