AMR-2 - Wikipedia
The AMR-2 (Anti Material Rifle - 2) is a 12.7mm sniper rifle which was developed in China as an anti-materiel sniper weapon, it was introduced in the early 2000s.
AMR-2 - Wikiwand
The AMR-2 (Anti Material Rifle - 2) is a 12.7mm sniper rifle which was developed in China as an anti-materiel sniper weapon, it was introduced in the early 2000s.
AMR-2 - Modern Firearms
TheAMR-2 anti-materiel / sniper rifle is manually operated, bolt action rifle with conventional rotary bolt locking. Bolt has dual frontal locking lugs. Free-floating barrel is equipped with the …
The AMR-2 is a bolt-action, magazine-fed design with an internal design of fairly-conventional type. The stock is skeletonized, but does have an adjustable cheekpiece and a thick recoil …
AMR-2 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AMR-2 (Anti Materiel Rifle - 2) is a 12.7mm Sniper Rifle developed in China as an anti-materiel sniper rifle, introduced in early 2000s. Designed and developed by China South …
AMR-2狙击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AMR—2 (英語: Anti Materiel Rifle—2)是一款由 中華人民共和國 武器製造商 中国南方工业集团公司 所設計及生產的12.7毫米(.50英吋)大口徑重型 狙擊步槍 (反器材步槍),最早 …
AMR-2狙击步枪 - 百度百科
中国兵器装备集团公司四川华庆机械有限责任公司生产的AMR-2式12.7mm非自动狙击步枪是步兵狙击手使用的反器材武器,用以对付远距离的单个有生和重要器材等高价值目标,可实现精确 …
AMR-2 - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The AMR-2 is a Chinese anti-materiel sniper rifle developed by Sichuan Huaqing Machinery Co. Ltd, a subsidiary of China South Industries Group. Specifications. Caliber: 12.7x108mm; Barrel …
AMR-2 | NASA Earthdata
NASA's Advanced Microwave Radiometer (AMR-2) is a passive microwave radiometer measuring the brightness temperatures in the nadir column at 18.7, 23.8, and 34 GHz, providing path …
中国制造|国产九个型号的狙击步枪 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
AMR-2是中国自研的12.7毫米大口径重型狙击步枪,2000年早期推出,使用12.7x108毫米子弹。 AMR-2狙击步枪使用的是长度和高度都能调整的折叠式枪托,而且枪托底部设计了可折叠内置 …