The witch's fruit (Applin TF Aftermath) by VTF14 on DeviantArt
Apr 2, 2020 · Marnie, Reduced to a wormy piece of fruit by just one spell by the Braixen witch. There is nothing Marnie can't do just to become the witch's pet or worse, the witch's pie. I plan …
Fruity spell (Applin TF Animation) by VTF14 on DeviantArt
Mar 30, 2020 · Marnie has entered the Forest of the foxy Witch and has terrible luck. As her punishment for trespassing the witch's forest, Marnie became very... fruity. Join the community …
Liko Applin by TheTeapotTanuki on DeviantArt
Dec 16, 2023 · Liko, transformed into an Applin! Appletastic! As a little challenge to myself, I drew ALL the Applin evolutions but with Liko's colouration. It's kinda like a Choose Your Own TF! …
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Applin - Pixelmon Mod
Applin is a dual-type Grass/Dragon Pokémon that evolves into Flapple when exposed to a Tart Apple or Appletun when exposed to a Sweet Apple. It spends its entire life inside an apple. It …
Artwork Gallery for SinLigereep -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
Sep 27, 2010 · Nidoran Couple TF Comic YCH REMINDER! Fur Affinity | For all things fluff, scaled, and feathered!
Artwork Gallery for SinLigereep -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
Sep 27, 2010 · Palworld Foxsparks TF YCH -AUCTION- (CLOSED) by SinLigereep. Regular Commission Prices (2024) by SinLigereep. Delamaeos Avatar. by SinLigereep. Aaron Avatar. …
Applin Squeam - Patreon
Dumb memes with friends winds up with sassy back and forths as Sunder is determined to make me have a applin tf character and I hate him for... Artist & Worldbuilder!
LF: Applin Shiny TF: Some Shiny and HA pokemons
May 27, 2024 · Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. I have many …
LF: HA Applin or Appletun TF: Debatable (G-Max Appletun)?
For Pokemon Sword / Shield - Trading on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "LF: HA Applin or Appletun TF: Debatable (G-Max Appletun)??".
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