capitalization - Capitalize fields of study? - English Language
Dec 5, 2010 · Do I say "I study computer science," or "I study Computer Science"? Similarly, "I really liked that computer science course," vs. "I really liked that Computer Science course."
Team is or Team are - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Strictly speaking, a team is a count noun.You can have two teams, ten teams, or one team. So if you're talking about the team, or one team, then that should take a singular verb:
single word requests - What is the name of the area of skin …
Apr 29, 2014 · @Doorknob - Elliot has named it correctly. The upper lip is skin-covered, skin-colored, and hairy. The pink parts are called the upper and lower vermilion, the border between the skin and the vermilion is called the vermilion border, the wet, shiny inner portion of what people call the "lips" is called the wet vermilion or the mucosa.
What's the correct use of a comma when thanking someone?
Nov 13, 2015 · When writing quick replies to emails (usually to say thank you, etc.) I've taken to using the following style: "Thank you, Ben! Regards, Øyvind" That is, I insert a comma before the vocat...
Why do we say "You are" when you is singular instead of "You is"?
There are two answers to this. The simplest is that "are" is the form of "to be" used for first person plural, third person plural, and both plural and singular in second person (with you).
numbers - What are the correct abbreviations for millions, billions …
I've found answers on the web but also got conflicting answers from financial professionals (coworkers). In metric, you'd use M (mega) for million, G (giga) for billion and T (tera) for trillion.
Apostrophe s' or s's - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Nov 28, 2019 · On the use of so-called 'zero genitive', marked by a simple apostrophe in spelling ('), as opposed to the 's genitive, Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech and Svartvik specify in A Comprehensive grammar of the English Language (pp. 320 & 321) that:
Why is the word "hectare" abbreviated as "ha" and not as "he"?
Feb 3, 2021 · Hectare is from the Greek hect, the multiplier, and are, the primary unit of land measurement and the base unit. It means 100 ares, so it makes sense to abbreviate to the initials of the multiplier and base. We do the same thing with kilogram ("kg"; not "ki"), millimetre ("mm"; not "mi"), nanosecond ("ns"; not "na"), and so on.
grammar - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Feb 9, 2014 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
What do you call the empty/arid zones on both sides of a highway?
The answer to your question largely depends upon the context. If you mean the land on which the highway passes through, this is known as a right of way.