Garland ISD AVID Elementary - W - DLIQ - Google Sites
DLIQ is a simple writing reflection learning log. (What I Did, What I Learned, What I found Interesting, Questions I have) This writing format provides a structure for students to reflect...
AVID DLIQ by Chris Phanvongkham on Prezi
To use a DLIQ for a set of notes, you have to: answer the four questions that are asked: 1) What did you Do or Dicuss today? 2)What did.
Writing Reflection Tool DLIQ by kori cidade - TPT
Here is a tool you can use for AVID, DLIQ. You can enlarge it, laminate it, and do it as a whole group lesson until your students get the hang of it. After they learn how to use the tool, you …
Branching Out: DLIQ - YouTube
Feb 1, 2022 · AVID’s DLIQ Learning Log is a quick and easy way for students to articulate their thinking and learning about a day, lesson, or activity!
AVID DLIQ Activity Binder Daily Weekly Blank Handouts …
21 pages of DLIQ items. 9 versions of DLIQ pages are included to fit any need. Easy differentiation! 3 Versions of DLIQ banner/posters are also included for an easy and instant …
Evidence of Professional Learning Community Process (P LC Framework)
AVI D DL I Q L e ar ni ng L og D—What did you DO in class? Be specific and explain exactly what you did in detail. Don’t be so specific that you give a minute
DLIQ by Dana Mills - TPT
This is an AVID strategy DLIQ. D- What did I do? L - What did I learn? I - What did I find Interesting? Q - What questions do I still have? I have included lines and no lines in the boxes …
Waite Advisory Curriculum - 2018-2019 Curriculum
Directions: Show your students the attached video link on this month’s Character Trait. Next, have them complete the DLIQ AVID template to demonstrate their learning
These AVID Elementary Essential Skills are designed to be used in conjunction with locally defined content, college, and career readiness standards. These skills are for AVID …