Axolotls Home Alone - Caudata.org: Newts and Salamanders Portal
Have your pet-sitter demonstrate the care routine procedures to you to ensure that they are competent with the tasks. In addition, you may like to train your pet-sitter in some advanced care procedures, such as methods to cool your tank during warm days, catching an axolotl or putting an ill axolotl in the fridge.
Wildlife Smuggling and the impact on the pet trade.
Nov 11, 2008 · To find a WC Axolotl is like hitting the lottery jackpot and hosting the superbowl and getting a breeding pair of Andrias as a present all together, for in the wild Ambystoma mexicanum is nearly extinct: on Laguna Xochimilco grows one of Mexico City's barrios.
Axolotls are illegal in California - here are the relevant laws
Jan 19, 2010 · Thanks to Travis Summers for originally posting this here. California residents, please be advised that ignorance of your local laws is not a legal defence. The possession of Axolotls or any Ambystoma species is a crime in the state of California. It …
AXOLOTL ABUSE AT PET STORE HELP!!!! - Caudata.org: Newts and ...
Apr 13, 2021 · I went to a pet store today to get some RODI water for my tank. I had been told that they sell axolotls so I asked to see them. I was absolutely horrified by what I saw. In about a ten-gallon tank I saw about 7 axolotls. One was about 6 inches long and looked okay, but the other 6 were about 3...
My pet shop says Axolotl are illegal in the US
Feb 26, 2009 · I don't know, but I do know that axolotl sales are done all the time by perfectly law-abiding organizations, including the major biological supply houses. Why do you want to get the pet shop to order the axolotl for pickup? The only reason that this would be an advantage is that you can look at the axolotl closely before paying for it.
An alternative to axolotls. - Caudata.org: Newts and Salamanders …
Jul 5, 2014 · I really wanted to get an axolotl as a pet, but unfortunately it is illegal to own one in California. I'm wondering what are some alternative, cheap, and easy to care for salamanders/newts. I've never had a salamander (or any herp, for that matter) as a pet, so any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks!
Metamorphosed Axolotl at pet store - caudata.org
Feb 3, 2012 · MY local pet store has started selling axolotls that have been induced into metamorphosis, I am very keen on buying one (since there are no terrestrial salamanders in Australia), but do not know the proper housing/care/feeding requirements. Can …
I'm releasing a video game/visual novel about Axolotl and would …
Jun 26, 2018 · Hey fellow Axolotl lovers. First off I apologize if posting this is against the rules, I couldn't find an appropriate thread to read. The name of the game is: RB: Axolotl: A Dark Story about Cute Axolotl Anyway, just like you guys I'm a huge fan of Axolotl so much so that I decided to make a game about them.
New axolotl owner, needs help - caudata.org
Apr 26, 2021 · Hello! So, on Saturday I got my first ever axolotl. The pet store person told me that it’s okay to put her in a new tank while adding Prime. This morning I researched a lot more and realized that most online forums/posts suggest to cycle BEFORE adding the axolotl. Thanks, pet store employee...
Axolotls in Wisconsin | Caudata.org: Newts and Salamanders Portal
Sep 12, 2005 · i am looking into buying an axolotl as a pet and would like to know if anyone out there knows of anyplace in Wisconsin, preferably in southeastern wisconsin that sells these awesome creatures. Please help for i am lost as to where to find an axy. THANKS...