B3313 | B3313 Wiki | Fandom
May 8, 2024 · B3313 or Build 3313 (also called SM64 Internal Plexus) is a ROM hack of Super Mario 64 developed by ChrisRLillo and his dev team. It is the largest beta-based SM64 hack to date in terms of the number of accessible areas and star count, as well as various other aspects.
List of Areas | B3313 Wiki | Fandom
You can find a visual map detailing the connections between areas and the locations of stars by ID for v0.9 here, and the older v0.7 map here. Area types can be defined as follows: Courses - Areas that contain one or more star. Might lead to one or two other areas.
B3313 Wiki - Fandom
An information hub dedicated to B3313, one of the largest SM64 ROM hacks to date with over 300 areas and 460 stars, based on the infamous "internal castle plexus" mythology and the vanilla game's cut content, created by ChrisRLillo. Note that …
B3313 (Super Mario 64 Internal Plexus) | RHDC - Romhacking.com
Romhacking.com recommends the usage of the Parallel Launcher emulator, using the ParallelN64 emulator core. The popular third-party emulator Project 64 has been found to contain a vulnerability in versions older than 3.0 that allows for a malicious N64 rom file to execute arbitrary code on your computer outside of the emulator.
B3313 | Super Mario 64 Hacks Wiki | Fandom
B3313 or Build 3313 (also called SM64 Internal Plexus) is a ROM hack of Super Mario 64 developed by Chrisbrutalagresion and his dev team. It is the largest beta-based SM64 hack to date, and is estimated to currently hold the largest Star count of any Super Mario 64 hack.
Anyone know where to find this map of B3313 in higher quality?
Jun 28, 2023 · I know it might be a bit late but here's the source for anyone coming back to this post, if you go to this page on the wiki : https://b3313.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Areas and there's v0.9 or v0.7 map links at the top.
The Official B3313 Wiki
Welcome to B3313.info, the information source for the B3313 (Super Mario 64 Internal Plexus) ROM hack maintained by The Cult, creator ChrisRLillo 's Discord server. The wiki is currently under construction. Feel free to jump in, add content, and edit! is the current version of the hack. v1.0.3 is in progress! New to B3313?
Map of B3313 V1.0.2. Map is in Version 0.2 - GitHub
Map of B3313 V1.0.2. Map is in Version 0.2. Contribute to MobilePalpitation/B3313-Map-1.0.2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
B3313 | chlorobyte.me
Below is a B3313 web patcher, which includes tweaked versions of older releases to make them function on more emulators and possibly on real hardware; insert a Super Mario 64 (US) ROM into the following dialog to get yourself one of our ROMs! Alternatively, check out our romhacking.com page. Use untweaked versions.
Interactive Maps | B3313 Wiki - Fandom
Sep 3, 2024 · Browse custom interactive maps inspired by a world featured in your favorite fandom. Explore and visualize locations, items, and more!