Anyone remember what that full-auto freon-powered bb gun was …
Apr 1, 2016 · sells a freon-powered bb machine gun! rate of fire is 3000 bb's a minute at an effective range of about 15 yards. uses standard bb's and canned freon (available from any …
Non lethal pet deterrent gun - Georgia Packing
Jun 30, 2016 · A paintball gun (called a "marker" rather than a gun these days) is probably going to cause serious injury or death to a small critter like a squirrel. That paint-filled pellet is big …
Need help: What kind of bb gun in Home Alone?
Dec 27, 2016 · The BB gun was a modified Red Ryder. it was changed just enough to keep the legal eagles at bay, preventing a lawsuit. the pump action actually did nothing. The trigger …
Do you remember the BB machine gun that ran on Freon?
Apr 25, 2014 · Now I was on a mission. I acquired a freon container used to fill house air conditioners, and put the correct fittings on it with a hose to accept the lower of the BB …
Is it illegal to shoot a bb gun in the back yard?
Dec 9, 2018 · No person shall discharge any firearm, rifle, CO2 gun, air gun, BB gun, or slingshot. B. This section shall not apply to the following circumstances: 1. In necessary self-defense of …
laws on BB guns | Georgia Firearm Forums - Georgia Packing
Jun 5, 2008 · A really overeager and over-reaching cop or prosecutor might say that if the BB gun in question is a BB handgun and it was at some point concealed, it could be an offense of …
Need help: What kind of bb gun in Home Alone? - Oklahoma …
Dec 1, 2010 · My boy really wants a pump action bb gun, shotgun style. Can't find what brand he uses in the movie. Plan B for me is the mdl. 25 Daisy, but would really like to get the same …
Is it legal to discharge a BB gun in Cobb County?
Dec 27, 2008 · State law, 16-11-103, says you can't shoot a "gun" or "pistol" within 50 yards of a road without legal justification. I don't know that "gun" is the same as "firearm." I think "gun" is …
Have you ever shot out the Red Star? | Oklahoma Shooters
Dec 13, 2018 · I try to attend the Tulsa State Fair with my daughter every year, The last thing we do is try the carnival Full Automatic BB Gun Arcade, At $5 a whack my daughter and I just try …
Where can I shoot my pellet gun? - Georgia Packing
Jan 4, 2012 · No person shall fire a gun, pistol or other firearms, or fire or discharge any air gun, commonly known as a BB gun in the city. Such prohibition shall not apply to firearm …
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