Babirusa - Wikipedia
Because it does not have a rostral bone in the nose, a babirusa does not dig with its snout like other pigs do except in mud and swampy grounds. The diet of the babirusa includes leaves, …
鹿豚 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鹿豚(印尼文、英文:Babirusa),又名鹿豬,是鹿豚屬(屬名: Babyrousa )物種的通稱,為偶蹄目 豬科鹿豚亞科下的唯一一個屬,也是印尼的特有動物,僅分布於蘇拉威西島、托吉安群 …
鹿豚 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
May 13, 2024 · 鹿豚(印尼文、英文:Babirusa),又名鹿猪,是鹿豚属(属名: Babyrousa )物种的通称,为偶蹄目 猪科鹿豚亚科下的唯一一个属,也是印尼的特有动物,仅分布于苏拉威 …
鹿豚属 - 百度百科
鹿豚属(学名:Babyrousa):是猪科、鹿豚亚科唯一属的3个物种。体长85-110厘米,肩高65-80厘米,尾长20-32厘米,体重约80千克,最大达100千克左右。主要特征为獠牙4枚:其中下 …
Babirusa Animal Facts - Babyrousa spp. - A-Z Animals
May 27, 2024 · Enjoy this expertly researched article on the Babirusa, including where Babirusa s live, what they eat & much more. Now with high-quality pictures.
Babirusa - San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants
The word babirusa means “pig deer” in the Malay language, as their wild-growing tusks are reminiscent of deer antlers. One of these pigs is not like the others. There are four different …
15 Brilliant Babirusa Facts - Fact Animal
Babirusa Profile Babirusas have a distinct prehistoric appearance that has made them the stuff of legends. They are sometimes referred to as ‘deer-pigs’ and live in a very limited area that …
Babirusa: The prehistoric 'deer' pigs with huge antler teeth
Oct 26, 2024 · Name: Babirusa (Babyrousa) Where it lives: Sulawesi and neighboring islands in Indonesia What it eats: Leaves, fruit, mushrooms, tree bark, insects, fish and small mammals
Babirusa - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens
The babirusa is a wild, naked-looking pig that is native to the Indonesian archipelago. Male babirusas (boars) are known for their bizarre tusks, which, if they are not worn down or broken …
Sulawesi Babirusa (Detailed Profile) - WPSG
B. celebensis, the Sulawesi Babirusa, is the best-known babirusa, and the only species for which substantive ecological and behavioral information is available.
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