Classification of dual LAD - Dr.S.Venkatesan MD
Jun 28, 2013 · Dual LAD is an interesting coronary artery anomaly proposed originaly by Spindola in 1983 .He classified it into 4 types. In recent years the dual LAD has increased from 4 to 6 types. The essential criteria to diagnose could be summarised.
Dual Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery: CT Findings
Nov 23, 2012 · Dual LAD consists of a short LAD that ends high in the anterior interventricular groove and a long LAD that most commonly originates as an early branch of the LAD proper (types 1–3) and rarely originates anomalously from the right coronary artery (type 4).
Dual Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery: Surgical ...
Dual left anterior descending artery (or dual anterior interventricular artery) is a rare coronary anomaly. It is important to know the anatomic variants of this anomaly in patients with coronary artery disease who are undergoing either surgical myocardial revascularization or …
We present the case of a 72-year-old female with acute chest pain and signs of myocardial ischemia. Cardiac catheterization revealed a bifid left anterior descending (LAD) artery, which was successfully treated with percutaneous intervention (PCI).
Dual left anterior descending coronary artery
Feb 22, 2025 · Almost all dual variants have short and long LAD branches. Several subtypes have been described including the 4 initial types originally described by Spindola-Franco and colleagues 1. These include. short LAD originates from the left main coronary artery (LMCA) and terminates in the proximal anterior interventricular sulcus.
Apr 6, 2024 · Dual LAD system is a rare congenital anomaly with an incidence of 1-3%. Complete occlusion of one of the branches can pose a diagnostic challenge during coronary intervention given its unusual anatomy.
Left anterior descending artery | Radiology Reference Article ...
Feb 22, 2025 · The left anterior descending (LAD) artery, also known as the anterior interventricular branch, is one of the two branches of the left coronary artery (the other branch being the circumflex (Cx) artery).
Coronary Artery Anomaliesof Origin and Course - Radiology Key
Apr 10, 2019 · The LMCA is only mildly narrowed in its interarterial course. The LMCA then bifurcates into a left anterior descending (LAD) and a circumflex artery. The ongoing LAD demonstrates mild to moderate, primarily calcified plaque with a superficial intramyocardial course in its midportion.
A new anomaly of the left anterior descending artery: Type X dual LAD
Dec 18, 2015 · Dual left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery anomaly is traditionally classified as four types anomaly by classical coronary angiogram. Nowadays, coronary computed tomographic angiography (CCTA) allows clinicians to understand other variants of …
Dual Left Anterior Descending Artery: Clinical Overview and ...
Among these anomalies, a unique cardiac abnormality known as a dual left anterior descending artery (LAD) stands out. A dual LAD is characterized by the presence of 2 LADs in the anterior interventricular sulcus.