Genitourinary | Newborn Nursery - Stanford Medicine
Patients with this condition often have a penile raphe that zigzags back and forth as well as a thinned or shortened foreskin on the ventral side. If in doubt, a small feeding tube can be …
Bifid Scrotum - SpringerLink
Dec 1, 2021 · Bifid scrotum is a rare congenital anomaly affecting the midline of the scrotum in a different spectra, in severe form the two scrotal sacs are widely separated with a laid opened …
What Is Bifid Scrotum? - iCliniq
Oct 18, 2023 · The bifid scrotum level of abnormality varies in a different spectrum and can be minor, partial, and severe. In minor form, the scrotal raphe (a tissue running from the anus to …
Scrotal Median Raphe Anomalies - SpringerLink
Dec 1, 2021 · The most common and clinically significant anomaly is raphe cyst and bifid raphe. Common as well as the rare scrotal raphe anomalies will be discussed in details with a referral …
Sonographic evaluation of fetal scrotum, testes and epididymis
Malformations such as bifid scrotum, scrotal agenesis, or cryptorchidism may indicate an undervirilization process, suggesting the presence of a DSD or genetic syndromes with …
Penoscrotal Transposition and Bifid Scrotum - urology …
Penoscrotal transposition is a rare malformation with a scrotal position superior and anterior to the penis. Additional scrotal malformations (bifid scrotum, see below), penile malformations …
Elements of Morphology: Standard Terminology for the External …
Bifid clitoris. Note the co-occurrence of epispadias. Courtesy of Dr. Anne-Karoline Ebert. Reprinted with permission from Ebert et al. [2009]. Comments: The word bifid indicates the …
Hypospadias in the Neonate - Page 8 - Medscape
A bifid scrotum is a deep midline cleft in the scrotum, caused by incomplete fusion of the labioscrotal folds. Abifid scrotum occasionally accompanies penoscrotal or perineal hypospadias.
Penis and Scrotum: Congenital and Acquired Anomalies
Oct 22, 2010 · Bifid scrotum, most often associated with proximal hypospadias, is when there is a complete separation of the labioscrotal folds without a median raphé. The techniques used to …
Split median raphe: case series and brief literature review
We describe three cases of split median raphe of the penis (SMR) from our hospital newborn records from 2004 to 2013. One case was associated with median raphe cyst, one with skin …