Blue Gourami Care (Trichopodus trichopterus) - FishLore
Blue Gourami. Updated August 5, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Blue Gourami (Trichopodus trichopterus) is also referred to as the Three Spot Gourami and sometimes even the Opaline Gourami. This gourami is called the …
Adding Cichlid With Gourami? | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
Jan 28, 2007 · I have an angel with 2 bolivian rams, a blue dwarf gourami, a bn pleco, and 3 swartzi corys. They get along fine most of the time except at feeding time, the angel will nip at the gourami as they both feed at the top and the angel is a glutton wanting to keep the gourami away from the flake food.
Blue gourami at bottom of tank— please help!
Aug 29, 2022 · Hi, personally I believe this behaviour is down to a lack of other Blue Gourami to socialize with. Blue Gourami like other Gourami are quite social and this behaviour is often the result. The problem with this solution is then the tank size, I would always recommend a 4ft aquarium for a group of these fish.
Dwarf Gourami & German Blue Rams together? | Dwarf Gourami …
Apr 6, 2015 · 1 dwarf gourami 1 German blue ram 1 gold pleco 1 clown pleco 1 Chinese hillstream loach 1 male swordtail 1 female swordtail 5 female platys-all different breeds 11 male guppies-all different breeds 8 cory catfish-all different breeds 1 apple snail 10 neon tetra 5 shrimp-cherry, ghost, red striped No fights all peacefully living.
Rainbow fish & Gouramis | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
Jul 1, 2004 · With gourami's in my limited experience it is best to either keep a pair (male and female) or just a single specimen, i had three golden gouramis two females and one male the male and one female teamed up and almost killed the other female. i had to nurse her back to health and then relocated her to a friends aquarium where shes doing great.
Blue Gourami tank mates? | Blue Gourami Forum - FishLore …
Apr 1, 2011 · My blue Cosby Gourami shared the tank w him and several other DG.. but he was NEVER the trouble starter (he was the biggest, but minded his own business and only went after the powder blue DG when the DG seemed to get out of control attacking other fish.
Will my gouramis stop fighting if I put in more of them? | Blue …
Feb 14, 2011 · Blue gourami's are very difficult to keep together. I use to breed them and I kept them like bettas. You can get docile ones though. I had a sorority of docile females for a long time but the rest of the fish, males and females, I kept individually with snails or shrimp as tankmates.
Blue Gourami Resting At Bottom Of Tank | Blue Gourami Forum
Sep 19, 2017 · Within the past couple of weeks, my Blue Gourami has started resting at the bottom of my tank. Usually in the corner, staring at himself. When he notices that I’ve seen him, he’ll come toward the front and greet me. I’ll see him swim to the top occasion, for oxygen I assume, and then immediately...
Sudden Death —Powder Blue Gourami | Dwarf Gourami Forum
Jan 19, 2020 · Just came in to check on my tank and found my powder blue dwarf gourami dead, at a very odd position. He was not floating belly up or at the bottom of the tank, but instead was floating with his mouth at the surface. Zero movement or breathing, I triple checked and he was dead. Basically vertical in position.
Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami Vs. Honey Gourami For My Tank
Feb 4, 2010 · I have been reading like mad about some fish that have got me really intrigued. As the title suggests, the neon blue dwarf gourami and the honey gourami. I have a 160litre community tank, that I want to keep as peaceful as possible. I have had nippers and aggressive fish in the past (thanks dad!), and I just couldn't deal with it.