Online Boating Courses | BoatUS Foundation
The BoatUS Foundation offers the only FREE online boating safety course developed specifically for your state. We also offer a wide range of advanced courses that will help you gain the …
Georgia Boating Safety Course: BoatUS Foundation
All operators born after January 1, 1998 must have passed a boater education course approved by the Department of Natural Resources and have a proof of completion on board to operate …
Vermont Boating Safety Course: BoatUS Foundation
Your permanent Boater Education ID Card will be mailed to you by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission within 3-4 weeks. Records are sent to the state automatically every …
Oklahoma Boating Safety Course: BoatUS Foundation
Visiting boaters who have completed another state’s boating safety course as recognized by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and approved by the …
Washington Boating Safety Course: BoatUS Foundation
All boat operators, unless specified below in exemption, are required to have a Washington State issued Boater Education Card indicating that a boating safety education class or equivalency …
Maryland Boating Safety Course: BoatUS Foundation
Age Requirements: Maryland’s Boating Safety Education Law is designed to assure that the younger generations of boaters have fundamental knowledge of boating rules and safety and, …
Boating Safety - BoatUS Foundation
Our goal is to keep our waterways safe and enjoyable. The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is an innovative leader promoting safe, clean and responsible boating.
Washington DC Boating Safety Course: BoatUS Foundation
In the District of Columbia, we require anyone that is required to registrar a boat / vessel to take the boater safety course.
Texas Boating Safety Course: BoatUS Foundation
Persons of the required mandatory education age must carry a photographic ID card and a boater education certification card issued by the TPWD while boating. Visit Boater Education — …
Michigan Boating Safety Course: BoatUS Foundation
The BoatUS Foundation's Online Course is NOT Approved by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to satisfy the mandatory education requirements for boaters under 16 …