Botryogen - Wikipedia
Botryogen is a hydrous magnesium sulfate mineral with formula: MgFe 3+ (SO 4) 2 (OH)·7H 2 O. It is also known as quetenite. [3] It crystallizes in the monoclinic prismatic system and typically occurs as vitreous bright yellow to red botryoidal to reniform masses and radiating crystal prisms.
Botryogen: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
From the Greek βότρυς = "bunch of grapes" and γεννάν = "to bear", in allusion to the appearance of the original botryoidal and stalactitic masses found at Falun, Sweden. ⓘ Falun mine, Falun, Dalarna County, Sweden. Chemically similar to magnesiocopiapite, mountkeithite, and slavíkite.
Botryogen Mineral Data
Botryogen Comments: Bright orange botryogen on white calcite showing it's characteristic botryoidal "grape-like" morphology. Location: Cerro Pintados, Poza Almonte, Pampa del Tamarugal, Chile.
Botryogen - PubChem
Botryogen is a mineral with formula of MgFe 3+ (S 6+ O 4) 2 (OH)·7H 2 O or MgFe 3+ (SO 4) 2 (OH)·7H 2 O. The IMA symbol is Byg.
Botryogen MgFe3+(SO4)2(OH) •7H2O c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Monoclinic. Point Group: 2/m. Crystals are short to long prismatic, elongated and striated k [001], complex with {101}, {010}, {110}, {120}, {111}, many other forms, to several mm. Commonly in stalactitic, reniform, botryoidal or globular aggregates with
A rich deposition of bright orange crystallized Botryogen is covering most of both sides of a very thin matrix. Minor associates include yellow Copiapite and white Halotrichite. The very pale blue-green massive mineral is Chalcanthite.
Botryogen - chemeurope.com
Botryogen is a hydrous magnesium sulfate mineral with formula: MgFe 3+ (SO 4) 2 (OH)·7H 2 O. It is also known as quetenite. It crystallizes in the monoclinic prismatic system and typically occurs as vitreous bright yellow to red botryoidal to reniform masses and radiating crystal prisms. Its specific gravity is 2 to 2.1 and its Mohs hardness is 2.
Botryogen - Rock Identifier
Botryogen is a hydrous magnesium sulfate mineral with formula: MgFe(SO4)2(OH)·7H2O. It is also known as quetenite. It crystallizes in the monoclinic prismatic system and typically occurs as vitreous bright yellow to red botryoidal to reniform masses and radiating crystal prisms.
Botryogen - Assignment Point
Botryogen is a hydrous magnesium sulfate mineral with formula: MgFe 3+ (SO 4) 2 (OH)·7H 2 O. It is also known as quetenite. It was first described in 1828 for an occurrence in the Falu mine of Falun, Dalarna, Sweden. It was named for its grape-like appearance from Greek botrys for a bunch of grapes and genos to bear.
Botryogen Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BOTRYOGEN is a mineral MgFe(SO4)2(OH).7H2O consisting of a hydrous sulfate of iron and magnesium that is deep red or deep yellow and usually botryoid.