Brolga - Wikipedia
The brolga is a common, gregarious wetland bird species of tropical and south-eastern Australia and New Guinea. It is a tall, upright bird with a small head, long beak, slender neck, and long legs. Its plumage is mainly grey, with black wing tips, and it has an orange-red band on its head.
The Brolga is a monotypic species, which occurs in New Guinea and Australia. Single individuals have been recorded in New Zealand in 1947 and 1968 (Marchant and Higgins 1993), but the species is an
Brolga - International Crane Foundation
The Brolga occurs throughout northern and eastern Australia and in limited areas of Papua New Guinea. There are also small populations in southeastern Australia. Brolgas are non-migratory but move in response to seasonal rains.
Brolga: The Ultimate Guide - Operation Migration
The brolga (Antigone rubicunda), formerly known as the native companion, is a bird in the crane family. They’re a common, gregarious wetland bird species of tropical and south-eastern Australia and New Guinea.
25 Brolgas ideas | australian birds, birds, bird art
A common gregarious wetland bird species in tropical and eastern Australia, the Brolga is well known for its intricate mating dance. Photo credit: John O'Neill Big Bird
The Brolga - Lightweight Offset Trial Spray Boom - YouTube
Jan 13, 2025 · Setting the standard for safe, efficient and accurate trial plot spraying, The Brolga hand boom is the market leader for all your small plot research sprayin...
4 BLADE ULTRA PROP II - Ultra-Prop - Propellers
Kit includes mounting bracket and hardware for Ultra-Prop and Brolga tractor and pusher applications. • Unique pitch block system holds blades at exact angle – no protractor required. • All Ultra-Prop blades are identical and interchangeable – featuring perfect balance and exceptionally smooth performance with tough, glass reinforced ...
Brolgas are omnivorous, preferring habitat with ephemeral or permanent water-bodies. They move from area to area depending on weather/breeding season and food availability. Although breeding is not difficult in the wild, in captivity there are only a few brolga pairs that breed successfully (pers.obs.)
Brolga & Sarus Crane | Australian & New Guinea Cranes | Ozcranes
Jul 12, 2020 · Australia has two cranes, the Brolga Antigone rubicunda and rarer Sarus Crane Antigone antigone. The Brolga is New Guinea's only crane, living in the Trans-Fly lowlands of Papua New Guinea and Papua, Indonesia.
ブロルガ - jablog.org
ブロルガは熱帯および南東 オーストラリア 、ニューギニアに生息する一般的な群生性の 湿地 鳥である。 背が高く直立した鳥で、頭は小さく、嘴は長く、首は細く、脚は長い。 羽毛は主に灰色で、翼の先端は黒く、頭にはオレンジがかった赤色の帯がある。 ブロルガの求愛ダンスは他のツル類と似ている。 巣は湿地の植物で作られ、高台にあるか、湿地の浅瀬に浮かんでおり、通常2個の卵が産まれる。 抱卵には32日かかり、孵化したばかりの幼鳥は 早熟で ある。 成鳥の …