Are bullheads good to eat? | Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
Jun 10, 2007 · Bullheads are very good eating when taken in the early spring when the water is cold. But sometimes they will have a muddy flavor which can be avoided by fishing for them in …
Finding Bullhead Catfish in Virginia?
Apr 18, 2006 · Otter, you are welcome. Once place you might want to try, though it is a bit of drive are the Powhatan ponds located off of Route 60. There are three ponds, one is called …
What size hook for 10 inch bullhead? | Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
May 26, 2010 · 10" bullhead I'd have to hook him with some flour, seasoning and hot oil. We use smaller ones then that but the hook sizes the guys gave ya are right on. We use standard J …
Trapping bullhead catfish - Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
Dec 8, 2006 · For bullheads in a pond I would use small pieces of beef liver. When in other scenerios I make my own bait for targeting bullheads by (with an old blender and make sure …
Eating bullheads? - Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
May 2, 2010 · Now thats thats out of the way i'd like to explain a few things about the bullheads. spoted bullhead or mud cat or red cat or junk cat all the same one , they live in the mud so …
Bluegill versus Bullhead catfish for bait
Aug 22, 2006 · personally i like small carp and warmouths but i have used bullheads before and had my best night of flathead fishing ever we caught 10 fish over 30 pounds and 7 from 15 - …
BullHead catfish - how do u cook them?
Jul 7, 2006 · I have ate a lot of different fish in my life from many different places.A Bullhead out of clean flowing black water is my favorite.Out of the same water when it is hot and stagnant …
Catching bullhead catfish for bait - Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
Jul 11, 2006 · In my opinion, Bullheads are better than perch or bream. The bigger ones, (over 8") work but once they are that big, take some dikes and cut the fins down some. I have had the …
Best bait for bullhead catfish? | Catfish Angler Forum at USCA
Sep 24, 2006 · I have always caught them on nightcrawlers, but I noticed when I put them in the tank, my catfish doesn't go after them unless they are cut up. It probably releases the smell. …
Water Temp - Water Temperature for Bull Head Catfish?
Apr 12, 2009 · Water Temp - Water Temperature for Bull Head Catfish? Jump to Latest 7.9K views 5 replies 6 participants last post by payton350 Apr 13, 2009