Sonic Burned Edition - Play Game Online - Arcade Spot
A 2D platformer, Sonic Burned edition, brings you the same levels of previous Sonic games with the addition of a fire theme. Continue collecting rings to protect yourself from the hazards of each zone.
Sonic Burned Edition - Play Adventure Game Online - KBH Games
Sonic Burned Edition is a hack of Sonic 1 with amazing lava graphics and new levels. Main features: * Sound Test menu (A + Start on title) * intro sequence * 7 new layouts for 3 zones – Burned Hill Zone, Roasted Marble Zone & Flame Yard Zone 1 * custom miniboss and boss fights * custom soundtrack * new moves: Sonic CD-styled Spin Dash and ...
Sonic.Burned | CONTINUED: The Sonic Oddities Wiki | Fandom
Sonic.Burned is a tall, lanky, gray Sonic, with visible skin and bone. His upper arms have tears with burn marks around them, featuring red flesh, with his lower arms lacking skin, the same for his legs.
What I've made | burnedprojects
Dec 8, 2019 · This is a Port of Sonic 2 Community Edition, a fan project to enhance the original game, to the Web Browser! Originally made by rubberduckycooly, but this version allows you to play without owning the game, and is still available other than on the Internet Archive 😃
Burning | Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom
SHP Sonic or Burning Sonic is a burnt cadaver of Sonic given to life thanks to Genesys who burnt him alive only to be controlled. Burning Sonic appears damaged and destroyed, and blown off portions of his quills and head. He also has burn marks around his gloves and body.
Sonic Burned Edition - play the free rom - SONIC GAMES
Sonic Burned Edition is a rom hack of the original Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis but it features completely redesigned levels and a fire theme that is well implemented
Play Sonic Burned Edition Game Online - Bored Bro
Sonic 1 Burned Edition is a fan made revision of Sonic The Hedgehog, featuring burned down levels, new levels and new crazy bosses. The Sonic world is on fire can you help Sonic save it?
Sonic Burned Edition - Sonic Games - Play-Games.com
Aug 24, 2022 · Try the new Sonic Burned Edition online! Use the arrows for directions, Z for A, X for B, C for C, A for X, S for Y, and D for Z. The goal is the same as always, so reach the end of each level by avoiding falling into pits, hitting the spikes, or getting killed by various other traps and dangers, enemies included, as Robotnik will send his ...
Burnbot - Sonic Wiki Zone
Burnbot is a relatively short robot. It has a flat, cylinder-shaped black torso with a red frame, three cyan lights below its head, and two prongs below its chest. It also has spiked shoulder guards with round red and white shoulder covers, and a pair of fins and rockets on its back.
Sonic Burned Edition Game - Online Game - ArcadeHole.com
Play Sonic Burned Edition Game on Arcadehole! Sonic 1 Burned Edition is a fan made revision of Sonic The Hedgehog, featuring burned down levels, new levels and new crazy bosses. The Sonic world is on.
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