Coded Wire Tag (CWT): Northwest Marine Technology, Inc.
A Coded Wire Tag is a length of magnetized stainless steel wire 0.25 mm in diameter – about the width of a human hair. Rows of numbers on each tag identify a group of fish or an individual …
Coded Wire Tag Detectors - Northwest Marine Technology, Inc.
We offer four types of Coded Wire Tag detectors: T-Wand (specifications (pdf), how-to video (YouTube)), V-Detector (specifications (pdf)), and R9500 Tunnel Detectors. The T-Wand is …
introduction of sequentially coded wire tags (s-CWT) about twenty years ago, at that time in binary coding, but nowadays with decimal code. These allow identification of small batches of tags …
deployment of the Coded Wire Tag (CWT) and ancillary equipment. It is primarily aimed at new and potential users, but experienced users may also find it a useful reference if they are …
The NMT Coded Wire Tag Demonstrator is available from NMT. This program allows one to view each tag format and see what a tag would look like at different cutting sites. If you need help …
Tools for Reading Coded Wire Tags - Northwest Marine …
Once the tag is removed from the tissue, handling and reading Coded Wire Tags is much easier with some simple tools. Our newest tool for reading Coded Wire Tags is the Tag Viewer. It …
Fish Tags: Coded Wire Tag, VIE, VI Alpha - Northwest Marine …
Managers and scientists use fish tags to learn about how fish grow, who catches them, where they go, and how long they live, for example. Our tags include Coded Wire Tags (CWT), …
Coded Wire Tag Injectors - Northwest Marine Technology, Inc.
Three Coded Wire Tag injectors are available to suit all sizes of tagging projects: Mark IV Tag Injector, Multishot Injector and the Single Shot Injector.
Coded Wire Tag Formats: variations of a popular fish tag
Five Coded Wire Tag formats are available for batch and individual identification of fish and other aquatic animals.
Using Precut Sequential Coded Wire Tags A frequent inquiry to NMT concerns options for individually marking small numbers of small organisms. The Coded Wire Tag (CWT) is …