Why do my car stall while in motion? - Answers
Sep 14, 2023 · Can you stall or is it just harder to stall a manual car while driving at speeds over 40? It depends on the gearing of the car. If you are in the highest gear and 40mph in that gear is under the ...
How do you stop car to stall? - Answers
Oct 24, 2022 · If your car is stalling and you want to figure out how to get that to quit, have the idle and throttle checked out. ... How do you stop car to stall? Updated: 10/24/2022. Wiki User. ∙ 16y ago ...
Why does your car stall out in the rain? - Answers
Oct 25, 2022 · Tags Cars & Vehicles Pontiac Sunbird VW Cabriolet Car Stalling Problems ... Why does your car stall out in the rain? Updated: 10/25/2022. Wiki User. ∙ 19y ago. Best Answer.
Why does car stall when you push the accelerator? - Answers
Sep 13, 2023 · If a car stalls when pushing the accelerator, the car may be in park. The car may also be in neutral if the car stalls and does not move. A very dirty fuel filter or a faulty fuel pump could cause ...
Why does car stall when hot? - Answers
Does the car suddenly cut off, like someone turned the key off? It could be the ignition system failing when hot. ... Why does car stall when hot? Updated: 12/9/2022. Wiki User. ∙ 18y ago.
Why would a car stall after the radiator fan turns on? - Answers
A critical voltage drop probably is occurring at either your fuel pump or the electronic ignition module (computer), when a large current load is being drawn by the fan motor. Wait until it stalls ...
Why does a car stall when you step on the gas? - Answers
Oct 21, 2022 · Usually caused by one of two things: Lack of fuel or too much fuel.
Can an alternator cause car to stall? - Answers
Oct 20, 2022 · What would cause a car to stall when bright lights turned on and air blowing after a new battery is installed? Perhaps an alternator test is in order. Typically, when the motor is running, the car ...
Why would a car stall while driving? - Answers
Oct 21, 2022 · Stalling. My first inclination is to look for a fuel problem like low fuel pressure but there can be reasons a car would do this. Anyhow, you're basically looking at two reasons an engine will ...
Why does the car stall? - Answers
Dec 9, 2022 · Many cars may stall because the idle air control valve has failed or is failing. Carbon build up is one of the common culprits. A dealer can correct this problem by replacing the valve and ...