Coaching Certification - USA Hockey
USA Hockey and the Coaching Education Program require both certification and registration to be eligible to coach. Registration is done online on a yearly basis. Certification is also required.
CEP Curriculum - USA Hockey
Download all the resources from the USA Hockey Coaching Education Program below.
The program emphasizes fundamental skills, conceptual development, sportsmanship and respect for teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents and off-ice officials. Why the …
Coaching Education Program Requirements - USA Hockey
The USA Hockey clinic listings will indicate all continuing education offerings and the credit value of each. The Coaching Education Program retains the responsibility for defining continuing …
Coaching Clinics - USA Hockey
If you are a new coach with no certification please check out the CEP flow chart under the requirements tab to see which clinic you need to take. CEP Flow Chart Make sure you register …
Continuing Education Opportunities - USA Hockey
The USA Hockey clinic listings will indicate all continuing education offerings and the credit value of each. The Coaching Education Program retains the responsibility for defining continuing …
USAH Coach Lookup
The online certification list serves as valid verification of a coach’s certification status and tracks completion of the online age-specific modules. As of September 1, 2011, USA Hockey no …
Coaches - USA Hockey
The Coaching Education Program requires both certification and registration to be eligible to coach. Registration is done online on a yearly basis. Certification is also required.
Student Coaches - USA Hockey
Upon reaching the age of 18, the STUDENT COACH must comply with the USA Hockey Screening Program and meet the USA Hockey Coaching Education Program requirements …
NT Virtual CEP Continuing Education - myevents.usahockey.com
This one-hour, one-credit Continuing Education course is designed to help coaches and program directors identify and implement key priorities to develop a successful hockey program. The …