Cochlea - Wikipedia
3D model of cochlea and semicircular canals. The cochlea is the part of the inner ear involved in hearing.It is a spiral-shaped cavity in the bony labyrinth, in humans making 2.75 turns around its axis, the modiolus. [2] [3] A core component of the cochlea is the organ of Corti, the sensory organ of hearing, which is distributed along the partition separating the …
Cochlea: Anatomy, Function, and Treatment - Verywell Health
May 10, 2024 · The cochlea is a fluid-filled, snail-like structure within a cavity in the inner ear. It plays a vital role in the function of hearing rather than simply being another component of the skeletal system.
Cóclea: qué es, partes, funciones y patologías asociadas
Nov 12, 2020 · ¿Qué es la cóclea? Veamos cuáles son las características, lasfunciones y las partes de esta estructura del sistema auditivo, y las patologías que la afectan.
Physiology, Cochlear Function - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Apr 1, 2023 · The cochlea is a fluid-filled, spiral-shaped cavity found in the inner ear that plays a vital role in the sense of hearing and participates in the process of auditory transduction. Sound waves are transduced into electrical impulses that the brain can interpret as individual sound frequencies. The spiral configuration of the cochlea allows for differing frequencies to stimulate specific areas ...
Cochlea (inner ear): definition, anatomy, parts, function | Kenhub
Oct 30, 2023 · The cochlea is a component of the labyrinth of the internal ear that is responsible for hearing.It is a hollow, spirally coiled chamber inside the temporal bone that makes 2.75 turns around its axis, which is called the modiolus.. The cavity of the cochlea (cochlear canal) houses a triangular membranous duct, called the cochlear duct.The cochlear duct follows the entire length of the cochlear ...
Human ear - Cochlea, Hearing, Balance | Britannica
Feb 12, 2025 · Human ear - Cochlea, Hearing, Balance: The cochlea contains the sensory organ of hearing. It bears a striking resemblance to the shell of a snail and in fact takes its name from the Greek word for this object. The cochlea is a spiral tube that is coiled two and one-half turns around a hollow central pillar, the modiolus. It forms a cone approximately 9 mm (0.35 inch) in diameter at its base ...
COCHLEA Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of COCHLEA is a hollow tube in the inner ear of higher vertebrates that is usually coiled like a snail shell and contains the sensory organ of hearing.
Cóclea - Kenhub
La cóclea es una de las partes del oído interno (específicamente del laberinto), responsable de la transducción auditiva.Es una estructura del oído con forma de cámara espiral ubicada dentro del hueso temporal que realiza 2.75 giros sobre su eje, el cual se denomina modiolo.. La cavidad de la cóclea (conducto espiral) alberga un conducto membranoso llamado conducto coclear.
Todo sobre la cóclea: anatomía, funciones y enfermedades comunes
Guía completa sobre la cóclea: anatomía y función. Todo sobre la cóclea: anatomía, funciones y enfermedades comunes. La cóclea es una parte fundamental del oído humano, encargada de convertir las vibraciones sonoras en señales que nuestro cerebro interpreta como sonido.
Cóclea: Definição, anatomia, partes e função | Kenhub
A cóclea é um componente do labirinto da orelha interna, responsável pela audição. É uma câmara oca e espiralada encontrada dentro do osso temporal, e dá 2,75 voltas ao redor do seu eixo central, que é chamado de modíolo.. A cavidade da cóclea (canal coclear) possui um ducto membranoso triangular chamado de ducto coclear.O ducto coclear é encontrado em todo o comprimento do canal ...