Otolith “spawning zones” across multiple Atlantic cod populations: …
Sep 13, 2021 · Extensive archives of cod otoliths collected from research vessels and commercial fishing exist for multiple fish stocks, often going back many decades. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether spawning zones could be reliably identified in multiple Atlantic cod populations from different environmental conditions and life histories.
A millennium of north-east Atlantic cod juvenile growth …
In the current study, we analyze growth patterns of Atlantic cod otoliths from archaeological excavations of historical fishing sites in NW Iceland, dated to AD 970 –AD 1910. First, we examine the significance of change in otolith size, linear …
Century-long cod otolith biochronology reveals individual growth ...
Oct 7, 2020 · We demonstrated interannual and cohort-specific changes in the growth of Icelandic cod over the last century which were mainly driven by temperature variation. Temperature had contrasting...
Cod otoliths document accelerating climate impacts in the Baltic …
Jul 20, 2024 · Eastern Baltic cod otoliths from the Swedish Neolithic era and the last century were examined to explore the accelerating climate impacts in the Baltic Sea causing exposure to hypoxia,...
Cod ears contain a long history of warming in the Atlantic Ocean
Aug 16, 2020 · While this study looks to the past, it serves as a prediction for how Icelandic cod will respond to climate change in the future. These ear bones, called otoliths, help fish maintain their balance and are a valuable research tool.
Otoliths - Institute of Marine Research
Otoliths, also called earstones, are often referred to as the fish's black box. By analyzing otoliths, one can learn about the age, growth, type of fish (e.g. coastal cod/cod), temperature conditions, diet, migration pattern, maturation, number of spawning periods, genetic diversity and pollution.
Proteomic Blueprint of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) Otoliths
Jun 19, 2024 · By transcending traditional views of otoliths solely as chronometers, this study illuminates their capacity to provide invaluable insights into the proteomic profiles reflective of varying life stages and environmental interactions of cod.
Otolith "spawning zones" across multiple Atlantic cod ... - PubMed
Sep 13, 2021 · This study shows that spawning zones likely are a universal trait of Atlantic cod and not limited to certain environments or migratory behaviors as previously proposed. Maturity at age derived from spawning zone data showed trends …
Otoliths, removal and ageing - Pêches et Océans Canada
Otolith examples, including those from a cod, a redfish and a hake. Otoliths of adult fish can generally be removed with nothing more than a sharp fish knife and a pair of forceps or tweezers. With a little practice, the large pair of otoliths (the sagittae) can be removed in 15 seconds.
Otolith - Wikipedia
Animation of the biomineralization of cod otoliths. The composition of fish otoliths is also proving useful to fisheries scientists. The calcium carbonate that the otolith is composed of is primarily derived from the water. As the otolith grows, new calcium carbonate crystals form.