MP5 vs AK74u : r/blackopscoldwar - Reddit
Jan 8, 2021 · Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is a first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch and Raven Software and published by Activision. r/BlackOpsColdWar is a developer-recognized community focused on the title.
How accurate is the MP5 in Cold War compared to the real weapon?
Oct 14, 2020 · The "No Stock" is an MP5 with the stock removed, just like the original MP5K and MP5. Animations: As far as I can tell, all the animations are accurate, although I will have to wait for the full game to come out and run some tests myself. TLDR: The MP5 is almost 100% accurate, except for the name and the default barrel. It should be called the ...
What is up with the mp5? : r/ColdWarCallofDuty - Reddit
Jan 2, 2021 · There's no way an mp5 at range should be outgunning anything other than another smg. In close quarters the rpd and stoner are dog shit and I expect to get mopped by anything other than a sniper rifle. Idk if what I'm saying makes sense but the mp5 is a run and gun weapon not meant for range and shouldn't be outgunning at range.
[Warzone] cold war MP5 vs MW MP5? : r/CODLoadouts - Reddit
Jan 8, 2021 · Cold War MP5 is better ttk but the mw mp5 is better for a hip fire build for the cw mp5 I run agency suppresser, task force, elastic wrap, salvo mag, collapsed stock or I run agency, task force, field agent, elastic wrap, and salvo mag
[MP] best MP5 load out currently : r/CODLoadouts - Reddit
Feb 27, 2021 · CW MP5 1- Suppresor (DONT USE AGENCY UNTIL UPDATE) 2- The very last barrel i dont remember how its it called but its the one i use cause of bullet velocity and damage range. 3- Salvo 50 Round Mag 4- Field Agent Grip 5- Sas Combat Stock Same as the MW MP5 you can switch the fifth attachment to your preference, a grip or a stock.
[WARZONE] Cold War MP5 Setup : r/CODLoadouts - Reddit
Feb 22, 2021 · CW MP5 is a much better pairing with the Amax and Ram though. Agency suppressor, task force barrel, field agent grip, 50 rd drum (40 if solos/duos), and a close range sight helps me handle recoil. Reply reply
[Warzone] Best hipfire Cold war gun? : r/CODLoadouts - Reddit
Aug 20, 2021 · The MW MP5 is still effective, just has a slightly higher skill gap to make it so. Have to actually be accurate and hit shots and you'll get the same or similar TTK (heard this from a jgod video but do not have the stats handy to back it up rn)
Mp5 vs Milano : r/ColdWarCallofDuty - Reddit
May 29, 2022 · The mp5 has a good fire rate decent ttk and very very little recoil and amazing ads time. The Milano has a slower fire rate but however slightly more damage and pretty much no recoil and a slower ads time. So which one is better? In my opinion the mp5 is better in Cold War because of the fast ads and the fire rate along with the great ttk.
MP5 Longshots : r/blackopscoldwar - Reddit
Nov 22, 2020 · Posted by u/Sam11777 - 3 votes and 15 comments
Mac 10 vs. Cold War Mp5? : r/Warzone - Reddit
CW MP5 has some weird recoil and seems to be random at times, hit firing machine though. I personally prefer the mac10 with gallantry blueprint cause it has small iron sights and means you can see a lot more