Common Scab — Potato Extension - NDSU Agriculture
This all too common problem is generally referred to as common scab. I get multiple calls each year about common scab and what can be done to control this disease. For this article, I wanted to summarize the biology of common scab and discuss what research has found to reduce common scab on potatoes.
Common scab - Wikipedia
Common scab is a plant disease of root and tuber crops caused by a small number of Streptomyces species, specifically S. scabies, S. acidiscabies, S. turgidiscabies and others.
Potato Diseases: Common Scab of Potato - MSU Extension
Oct 23, 2015 · Common scab of potato is an efficient saprophyte that can overwinter either in soil or on the surface of tubers and crop residues. The pathogen is spread from one location to another by splashing water (irrigation or rain) and wind, and on seed tubers and farm equipment with leftover soil residue.
distinctly separate diseases commonly known as “scab” can infect potatoes, significantly reducing tuber appearance and quality. The symptoms of these diseases have similarities, but there are important differences that affect management considerations.
• Common scab is a disease incited by an actinomycete named Streptomyces – An unusual group of Gram positive filamentous bacteria – Produce branched filamentous mycelia – Spiral sporophores – At maturity produce spores – Produce secondary metabolites • Antibiotics (streptomycin), anti -tumor agents, immunosuppressants (Loria et al)
Common scab of potatoes | Vegetable diseases | Plant diseases ...
Common scab of potatoes is a soil-borne disease caused by the bacteria-like organism Streptomyces scabies. This organism attacks: young, rapidly growing tubers, which stimulates the growth of unsightly corky tissue. A severe infection can: reduce the market value of the crop.
Potato Scab | Cornell Vegetables - Cornell University
Potato scab is a common tuber disease that occurs throughout the potato growing regions of the world. Although scab does not usually affect total yields, significant economic losses result from reduced marketability of the tubers.
Potato scabs - RHS Gardening
Common scab is most serious on potatoes, but also affects beetroot, radishes, swedes and turnips. Common scab is worse if soil conditions are dry when the potato tubers form. Powdery scab is worse under wet conditions and also sometimes infects the roots of tomato plants.
Common Scab of Potatoes - Nebraska Extension Publications
Common scab of potatoes is caused by a soil- and seed-borne bacterium, Streptomyces scabies, which is distributed worldwide. Infection causes tubers to have a scab-like surface lesion (“surface scab”) which results in lower tuber quality.
Common Scab | AHDB
Common scab is mainly caused by Streptomyces scabiei. The disease can affect any crop where tubers experience a dry surface during the critical stage of 3-6 weeks after tuber initiation. The disease has little effect on storability and does not develop in store.