Paper Minecraft ️ Play on CrazyGames
Paper Minecraft is an adventure game that brings the legendary Minecraft into a 2D world. Choose your character and preferred game mode to jump into the fun! This Scratch game features the classic survival and creative modes from the original Minecraft game.
2D Game Assets Store & Free - CraftPix.net
Craftpix offers high-quality premium and free 2D-game assets for your project. In our store there is 2D game art of the main categories: icons, sprites, tilesets, gui, characters, backgrounds, game kits and more.
Crafty - 2D Graphics
First we start Crafty with a stage that is 400 pixels wide and high. Then we create an entity with three components: "2D, Canvas, Color" . Anything you want to display will need both the "2D" component and a specific rendering layer; here it's set to use the "Canvas" layer.
Crafty - 2D
Sets one or more entities to be children, with the current entity ( this ) as the parent.
Crafty - Getting started - Building your first Game
A Crafty.js game is build up of entities -- the player character, enemies, and obstacles are all represented this way. Lets start by creating a simple colored square: Crafty.e( '2D, DOM, Color' ).attr({ x : 0 , y : 0 , w : 100 , h : 100 }).color( '#F00' );
Crafty Asset Pack - Blender Market
Drag and drop materials into your Blender scene quickly with the Crafty Asset Pack! Includes materials, patterns, grunge maps, models, and particles. Future updates will be free!
- Reviews: 10
2D Game Kits - CraftPix.net
This section presents 2D Game Kits on various topics. With the help of these game arts you can easily create a complete game for Google Play, App Store or PC. We create game assets for indie developers and use popular formats: AI, PSD, PNG, EPS.
An introduction to the Crafty game engine - Build New Games
Feb 1, 2013 · Crafty, previously known as CraftyJS, is a small, simple, and lightweight game engine that can greatly help you build prototypal or fully-featured 2D HTML5 games. Crafty is also open-source and completely free. Its code is hosted openly on GitHub.com and is distributed under the MIT or GPL license.
Top games tagged 2D and Crafting - itch.io
Find games tagged 2D and Crafting like Artificer, Kraft & Slash, MewnBase, P.Craft, Drillionaire on itch.io, the indie game hosting marketplace
Crafty - JavaScript Game Engine, HTML5 Game Engine
Splice and dice a sprite map to easily draw game entities. Advanced SAT collision detection with more information than just true or false. Event system for custom events that can be triggered whenever, on whatever, and bound just as easily. Heaps of native components for sound, animation, effects and input to make your game pop!